Michael Tsega Jissa wrote a new post on the site Introduction to Digital Studies 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Final Project, Story MapDescription: This project is about our current situation with artificial intelligence, mainly focused on its influence on the job […]
Aidan Krantz commented on the post, Digital Detox, on the site Introduction to Digital Studies 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Hey Michael, I am glad to hear that by managing your notifications and downloading an app to give you a heads up the time spent on your phone helped. I can see how by not getting notifications from certain apps […]
Aidan Krantz commented on the post, Gabrielle Adu-Akorsah's Digital Detox, on the site Introduction to Digital Studies 2 months, 2 weeks ago
I also choose to try out option 2, although I only tried to stay off my phone before going to bed. I can definitely see how not being on your phone in the morning can improve your attention span because you are […]
Aidan Krantz wrote a new post on the site Introduction to Digital Studies 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Aidan Krantz Story Map Final ProjectHere is my final project Story Map, hope you guys enjoy it! “Bridging the gap in the Digital Divide” Exploring the disparities […]
Saleh Safi wrote a new post on the site Introduction to Digital Studies 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Olivia Todd wrote a new post on the site Introduction to Digital Studies 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Final Project Story Map, "The Beauty Algorithm"Here’s my final project on ArcGIS Story Maps!https://arcg.is/15Ounv
Olivia Todd wrote a new post on the site Introduction to Digital Studies 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Digital Detox – Liv ToddI started my digital detox during Thanksgiving since I knew I would be busy helping cook dinner and spending time with my family. I […]
Asiah wrote a new post on the site Introduction to Digital Studies 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Asiah's Final ProjectHere’s the link to my final project on YouTube
Charlie Scoggin commented on the post, Jayden Forde's Digital Detox, on the site Introduction to Digital Studies 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Hey Jayden I think you learned more about yourself through doing this Digital Detox. I like how you mentioned spending time with people who you are close with, and by doing this it allowed you to spend that time […]
Jancy Ling Liu wrote a new post on the site Department of Economics 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Pre-doc opportunity at UVA in environmental economicsProfessor Jonathan Colmer and Professor Jay Shimshack are hiring up to 2 pre-docs to work with them and the Environmental Inequality Lab team on […]
Jancy Ling Liu became a registered member 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Parker commented on the post, Digital Detox Jordy, on the site Introduction to Digital Studies 2 months, 2 weeks ago
I’m glad to hear that you found so much success in using do not disturb. I like your note about how you often have a tendency to continue using your phone for long periods of time after just simply checking it for […]
Parker commented on the post, Aidan Krantz Digital Detox and Reflection, on the site Introduction to Digital Studies 2 months, 2 weeks ago
We all know that sleep is very important, so the fact that you were able to discover that this practice leads to better sleep could be very beneficial. It’s great to hear that you not only felt like you slept […]
Nathan Fekady wrote a new post on the site Introduction to Digital Studies 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Digital DetoxI spent most of last week with my girlfriend and her family in AZ, and I noticed that I was rarely using my phone and was just enjoying […]
Charlie Scoggin commented on the post, My Digital Detox – Derrick Jones Jr., on the site Introduction to Digital Studies 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Hey Derrick I thought your Digital Detox was super interesting and cool. I liked how you went on a 24 hour digital free experiment and ended up learning more about it. I noticed you mentioned that you didn’t plan […]
Charlie Scoggin commented on the post, Digital Detox – Asiah Kielian 12-02-24, on the site Introduction to Digital Studies 2 months, 2 weeks ago
What’s up Asiah. I really enjoyed reading about your digital detox and how it went for you. It was super interesting. I liked how you touched on all aspects of your detox and how it allowed you to be more […]
Frankie Zehnal wrote a new post on the site Introduction to Digital Studies 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Digital Detox – Frankie ZehnalFor my digital detox I chose the third option which was putting my phone on do not to disturb during important moments. For example, […]
Sulaxchya wrote a new post on the site Introduction to Digital Studies 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Sulaxchya's Digital DetoxFor my digital detox, I followed Option 2: Designate tech-free times. For the first 30 minutes after waking up and the last hour before […]
EppoPJ wrote a new post on the site Introduction to Digital Studies 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Digital detoxFor my digital detox I set my phone more often on do not disturb. especially during sleeping hours and the two hours before it. I also […]
Saleh Safi wrote a new post on the site Introduction to Digital Studies 2 months, 2 weeks ago
Digital DetoxFor my digital detox, I focused on one simple change: managing notifications. It might not seem like much, but it made a huge […]
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