Audrey Horn wrote a new post on the site The Wealth Barrier 6 years ago
We often see in movies that have a poor and rich character how the difference in wealth has an impact on the characters. There is an upper-class character, usually the man, and the poorer/ middle-class character, […]
Audrey Horn wrote a new post on the site The Wealth Barrier 6 years ago
A man in a legal but hurtful business needs an escort for some social events and hires a beautiful prostitute he meets… only to fall in love.
Edward Lewis: A businessman who […]
Audrey Horn wrote a new post on the site The Wealth Barrier 6 years ago
A selfish prince is cursed to become a monster for the rest of his life unless he learns to fall in love with a beautiful young woman he keeps prisoner.
Belle: She is an i […]
Audrey Horn became a registered member 6 years ago