Artemus Scissum Jr. wrote a new post on the site A Tribe of the Middle Passage 7 years ago
Over the past couple days celebrity and highly successful artist Kanye West has made very controversial statements. Maybe the most controversial was his statement regarding slavery as choice for it’s victims. This […]
Artemus Scissum Jr. wrote a new post on the site A Tribe of the Middle Passage 7 years ago
The two most notable figures in Civil Rights History are Malcom X and Martin Luther King Jr. Two great leaders, amazing orators, highly educated warriors for equality, but complete opposites in ways to achieve it. […]
Artemus Scissum Jr. wrote a new post on the site A Tribe of the Middle Passage 7 years ago
This article I feels still relevant today and that there is a higher standard for African Americans and other minorities than the majority. They must work twice as hard as there white contemporaries in order be […]
Artemus Scissum Jr. wrote a new post on the site A Tribe of the Middle Passage 7 years ago
The Brown v. Board of Education case is of the biggest pillars in African Americans efforts to gain and establish basic civil rights in America. I found this article on the case and the time period it took place t […]
Artemus Scissum Jr. wrote a new post on the site A Tribe of the Middle Passage 7 years ago
So far this semester I have enjoyed my time revisiting concepts I already knew and learning new information I was unaware of in this History of Black America class. What I’ve learned in class has broadened my […]
Artemus Scissum Jr. became a registered member 7 years ago