Bryce wrote a new post on the site A Tribe of the Middle Passage 7 years ago
Desmond Marrow is a 30 year old ex-NFL athlete who was a victim of police brutality in early December of 2017. Recently he has come forward with the video of the assault he endured and has been rallying for […]
Bryce wrote a new post on the site A Tribe of the Middle Passage 7 years ago
Cass community Social Services has kick started their plan to construct 25 “Tiny homes” on their 2.5 block plot of land on Detroit’s west side. This will be great for the city of Detroit because the idea behind […]
Bryce wrote a new post on the site A Tribe of the Middle Passage 7 years ago
Saudi Arabia has opened first public theater since the late 1970s. on April 18th 2018 in the countries capital city of Riyadh they opened with the showing of Marvels Black Panther this ended Saudi Arabia’s public […]
Bryce wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
On November 15th a submarine from the Argentine naval forces the “ARA San Juan” with 44 crew members onboard went missing and the search began. Since the submarine was lost there has been limited […]
Bryce wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
This link talks about how Guatemalan lesbian congresswoman Sandra Moran is making great progress in the representation of the LGBTQ community. Ms.Moran says she doubts she is the first member of congress to be […]
Bryce wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
Cable cars are becoming a huge trend in Latin America due to the fact it has great benefits to the lower class as well as politicians. The cable cars benefits the lower class in part because of its affordability […]
Bryce wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
Hurricane Maria is the strongest storm to hit Puerto Rico since 1928, it has destroyed 80% of its crop value and downed 80% on the islands power lines which could take 6 months to repair leaving 3.4 million people […]
Bryce wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 8 years ago
I read the article Álvar Núñez on wiki and all of the information seemed to be on point with the topic and relevant. The article talks about Álvar Núñez in a comprehensive way it gives a very broad non-s […]
Bryce wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 8 years ago
The passage “only connect” William Cronon argues that people’s perception of liberal education is skewed and he tells the reader what he believes a liberal arts education to be. He credits the action of tel […]
Bryce wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 8 years ago
My name is Bryce I’m from Detroit, MI so being in Wooster, OH is a big adjustment for me but I am happy I chose The College of Wooster to continue my academic as well as my athletic career. Every single student, […]
Bryce became a registered member 8 years ago