camryn wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
For the final Noticias post, I chose to read an article called “Gender Violence in Guatemala”. Though short, the article contains an interactive portion that tells the stories of six indigenous Guatem […]
camryn wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
I thought the article on Fiestas in Andean Transnational Migration was a very interesting read, especially in the context of the themes in our class. Cabanaconde is a special village in southern Peru that ta […]
camryn wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
This week, we will be discussing the articles chosen by Bryce and Brooks.
Bryce’s article discusses the election of Sandra Morán as a Guatemalan representative who is openly apart of the LGBTQ+ community. Br […] -
camryn wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
For Noticias this week, I chose to research carbon sequestration in Latin America through an article called, “Carbon Sequestration Potential Second-Growth Forest Regeneration in the Latin American Trop […]
camryn wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
First, I want to thank my peer reviewer! I really appreciate you taking the time to read my ideas on improving the article and giving me feedback for it. The person who reviewed my ideas of improvement ag […]
camryn wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
In the United States, Latinos were stereotyped as “hypersexual party people”. They were seen as “hot tamales” for the way citizens of the United States perceived their music videos and themes in their song […]
camryn wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
The article I chose primarily for this week is entitled “Why is there talk of banning funk music in Brazil?”.The article discusses how Brazilian funk is becoming an ostracized music genre due to the conten […]
camryn wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
This week I read an article entitled Venezuelans Cross Into Colombia as Crisis Deepens. As the title suggests, the article was about the citizens of Venezuela that cross the country’s border into Colom […]
camryn commented on the post, Possible Wiki Article, on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
This is a cool research topic because not only is the topic interesting, but by improving this article you would be helping to recognize a lesser known scientist. I agree that adding to this article is a good […]
camryn commented on the post, Baseball in the Dominican Republic, on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
I really like the idea of researching sports, specifically baseball, in the Dominican Republic. This is a topic I know very little about and also hear very little about as well. I think if you narrow in on […]
camryn wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
The article on Wikipedia called Latin American Clothing has very little information regarding fashion trends in Latin American culture. I would like to research how the usage of certain textiles, colors, an […]
camryn wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
Odebrect Scandal
For Noticias this week, I found an article entitled “Politicians Worldwide Suspected as Bribery Scandal Unfolds”. The article was published on September 14 of this year. Right off the bat, […] -
camryn wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 8 years ago
For the research project I am interested in studying either;
The Latin American film industry or;
How the Latin American fashion culture differs from the trends we see here in the United States.If I […]
camryn wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 8 years ago
In the article “Latin America’s Campus Revolution” I read about how areas in the Latin American region have established better higher education opportunities. Though dated from the summer of 2017, the artic […]
camryn wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 8 years ago
The majority of the novel shows the expedition going anything but well. The travelers experience all kinds of obstacles that result in their starvation, dehydration and even their enslavement by Native Americans […]
camryn wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 8 years ago
In A Land So Strange, written by Andrés Reséndez, the topic of family and marriage is not one that is highly elaborated on. In fact, the topic of women, children and family lifestyles is not mentioned until C […]
camryn wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 8 years ago
For this assignment, I chose to critique the Wikipedia Article entitled “Narváez Expedition”. While originally reading the article, I thought that some of information was irrelevant to the topic of Narváez […]
camryn wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 8 years ago
The article Creolization in the Americas written by David Buisseret argues that the terms “assimilation” and “acculturation” are not the best terms to be used to describe what we know to be the columbian […]
camryn wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 8 years ago
The article “Only Connect….” written by William Cronon explores the ideas and concepts behind liberal education. Due to the topic that Cronon addresses, I believe that he is responding to essentially stude […]
camryn wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 8 years ago
Hey y’all, I’m Camryn! A few facts about myself are that I really like to sing, dance and hang out with friends. Something that might be surprising is that I really enjoy getting to learn about people on a per […]
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