Cat wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
What these two primary sources reveal about the Braceros system is this: the system was one that was not designed to benefit the Mexican worker, even though that’s how it was marketed to people like Juan Loza. […]
Cat commented on the post, Research Annotations, on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
How will these sources assist you in writing your essay? You’ve talked about the content of the sources, but not what makes them useful to you.
Cat commented on the post, research annotations, on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
How will the first source aid you in writing your essay?
Cat commented on the post, Research Annotations, on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
I’m curious as to why you’ve included your first source when it is, by your own admission, it won’t be able to help you analyze the relationship between the United States and Latin America.
Cat wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
Avis Mysyk, “Land, Labor, and Indigenous Response: Huaquechula (Mexico), 1521–1633,” Colonial Latin American Review 24, no. 3 (September 2015): 336–55, https:/ […]
Cat wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
For my chosen Wikipedia article, I looked at the article about the encomienda system, specifically about the development of the system and it’s use in the colonization of the Americas. Although at first glance, […]
Cat wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
For my research topic I would like to explore the issues pertaining to the use of native peoples as slave labor during the early colonization of Latin American, and how that has developed into an underclass labor […]
Cat wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
Pablo Navarro-Rivera, “The Imperial Enterprise and Educational Policies in Colonial Puerto Rico,” in Colonial Crucible: Empire in the Making of the Modern American State, accessed February 10, 2020, htt […]
Cat wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
John M. Thurston’s speech, titled “We Must Act!” is a heart-wrenching cry for humanitarianism. Calling upon the spirit of his dead wife, who, one can only assume, died after interacting with the conditions of the […]
Cat wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
For this week’s blog post assignment I read the article History of Hispanic and Latino Americans in the United States on Wikipedia. Although at first glance it seemed to be a well written article, there were a f […]
Cat wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
Although they lived nearly 100 years apart from each other, José Enrique Rodó and Simón Bolívar had similar ideas about the threat that the United States posed to Latin America. The two men agree on the idea tha […]
Cat wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
The main argument of Frederick Pike’s article “Wild People in Wild Lands” is that the use of stereotypes, whether by the opressed or the opressor, leads to a cycle of demonization that becomes normalized in […]
Cat wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
In order to celebrate MLK day, I went to several lectures. One was called “How Did We End Up Here? Navigating East Asian Identity & Privilege.” The programed examined the reasons behind the idea of Asian Americans […]
Cat wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
Hey guys!
My name is Cat and I am a sophomore majoring in History and Theatre, with a focus on stage management and directing. As I am, in the long term, interested in exploring cultural styles of theater that […]
Cat became a registered member 5 years ago