caty wrote a new post on the site Latin American Revolutions 5 years ago
Following the right-wing coup in Bolivia and the resignation of Evo Morales, the governments and people of several Latin American countries have let their thoughts and opinions be heard. One of the main countries […]
caty wrote a new post on the site Latin American Revolutions 5 years ago
Class began with the daily announcements:
Lecture: Tuesday 11/5 @ 7 Dr. Leiby on “immigrants in Ohio” Science Café, Spoon Market
Election Day: Tuesday shuttles from Babcock Hall
Global Engagement Fair: […] -
caty wrote a new post on the site Latin American Revolutions 5 years ago
My reviewer agrees with my intended edits. They also understand that this article is very important to the understanding of the Cuban Revolution. I will continue down the path I have intended to with focusing on […]
caty wrote a new post on the site Español 201 6 years ago
El nochebuena y Navida no son los úniqos días importante en esta temporada. Los días de 16 a 24 son importante tambien. Las posadads son días que conmemoran el viaje que tomaron María y José para encontrar un luga […]
caty wrote a new post on the site Español 201 6 years ago
El 10 de noviembre es un día importante para Panamá. Es el día que la revolución contra España en el año 1821. Un mujer, Rufina Alfaro, guiaba a la gente contra el cuartel español y cantando “viva la libertad […]
caty wrote a new post on the site Español 201 6 years ago
EL 19 de Julio siempre es un día importante para Nicaragua. Es el día que el Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional derrotó al opresivo gobierno de Somoza que doro más de 50 años antes en el año 1979. El FSLN es […]
caty wrote a new post on the site Español 201 6 years ago
Las Bolas de Fuego se celebra cada 31 de agosto en en un pequeño pueblo, Nejapa, en El Salvador. El público hace bollas de tela y alambre empapadas en petróleo y luego los prender en fuego. La ciudad está div […]
caty wrote a new post on the site Español 201 6 years ago
En Honduras, unas de las mas importante días que celebran. La día es celebrado el 3 de Octubre y el y el inicio de las vacaciones. Francsico Morazán era un lídre importante por las personas de Honduras y nació […]
caty wrote a new post on the site Español 201 6 years ago
El 25 de julio, Costa Rica es un lugar de diversión y buenos momentos. Día de Guanacaste es la fiesta para celebrar el día cuando el territorio de Guanacaste se unió con Costa Rica. Guanacaste era un parte de Nic […]
caty wrote a new post on the site Español 201 6 years ago
El Quemada de Diablo en Guatemala es un tradicion que pasa cada 7 de diciembre a las 6 de la tarde, en punto. Muchas familias hacen un fogata fuere de sus hogares y queman todo que tiene que ver con el diablo. Es […]
caty wrote a new post on the site Español 201 6 years ago
Beliez es un país in Centroamérica. Dos de los idiomas oficiales es inglés y garífuna. La gente garífuna veinero a Beliez después que los británicos los expulsaron de los granadinas en el siglo 20. Lo día vieno d […]
caty wrote a new post on the site Español 201 7 years ago
La próxima vez que el Día de los Reyes Magos va se celebrará es lunes el 6 de enro en Mexico. Es un día para honrar los 3 hombers que trajeron regalos a Jesús Chritsto. Es el último día de la temporada navideña. […]
caty wrote a new post on the site Español 201 7 years ago
El Día de Los Muertos se celebra Octuber 31 esta Nov. 2. Estos días son muy especial in Mexico. No son días tristes, pero con muncho amor y riendo. Son días para celebrar los miembros de familia que se pasaron a o […]
caty wrote a new post on the site History 217 Modern Brazil 7 years ago
I attended the IS presentation of Nancy Grazon and Alondra Correa. Nancy’s IS was titled “The Opportunity to Succeed: An Analysis of First-Generation, Latinx College Student Aspirations, Family Expectations, and […]
caty wrote a new post on the site History 217 Modern Brazil 7 years ago
How is Muniz giving back more than money?
Even though Muniz is giving the profits to the pickers, which is greatly needed, he is also giving them a voice. By giving the pickers this voice, they are able to […]
caty wrote a new post on the site History 217 Modern Brazil 7 years ago
How is poverty portrayed?
Poverty is a huge theme for Macabéa in Hour of the Star, not only poverty as in socioeconomic status but poverty in her spirit and her life experiences. Poverty is a major issue in […]
caty commented on the post, Wikipedia Revision: Anti-Vaccine Riot, on the site History 217 Modern Brazil 7 years ago
This seems like an important event in Brazil’s history in regards to its low socio-economic population and public health. I’m excited to see the finished article with your improvements.
caty commented on the post, Research Project – Festa Junina, on the site History 217 Modern Brazil 7 years ago
You’ve done so much research already! I am excited to see the actual improvements you make to the article! Andrew brought up a good point about colorism and I think you should really explore that more. By looking […]
caty commented on the post, Wikipedia Project: Politics and Sports, on the site History 217 Modern Brazil 7 years ago
I think this is a really good idea! It would be a good idea to include specific protest that happened at sporting events. I think what would also be to good look at is how people from lower socio-economic […]
caty wrote a new post on the site History 217 Modern Brazil 7 years ago
I will be working on improving the English version of the article about the Teatro de Arena. Currently, the English version is only three sentences long. Clearly, it has a huge content gap. The three sentences […]
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