Cullen Kuhn commented on the post, A Remedy to Exclusionst Tech Operations, on the site Freedom Dreams 7 years ago
I really like your analysis of the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977. I was wondering if there were possibly other acts that need to be updated to change the changing social dynamic in America.
Cullen Kuhn commented on the post, Black Tax and Discrimination In the Housing Market, on the site Freedom Dreams 7 years ago
Discrimination in the housing market has been a relevant topic all the way back to the Civil Rights movement. How must we re-examine its affects and expose it once again today?
Cullen Kuhn wrote a new post on the site Freedom Dreams 7 years ago
This morning, I came across an article published on ESPN.com that was about a high school in New Jersey that recently fired their head football coach. Although the school denies this claim, players, parents, and […]
Cullen Kuhn wrote a new post on the site Freedom Dreams 7 years ago
Recently, Starbucks has come under a lot of heat due to an incident that happened in one of their Philadelphia coffee shops. During the incident, two black men were arrested after asking to use the restroom. This […]
Cullen Kuhn wrote a new post on the site Freedom Dreams 7 years ago
Over the past year, I have encountered many different instances of racism, especially in the realm of social media. Social media makes it easier to spread the word, whether that be for good or for bad. However, […]
Cullen Kuhn became a registered member 7 years ago