Greg Hall wrote a new post on the site digitalproject1 3 years ago
So as many know who are in the Wooster community that Lowery’s food is not of the highest quality. It’s not inedible… for the most part. There are not many options to choose from you have either the main lunch […]
Greg Hall wrote a new post on the site digitalproject1 3 years ago
Everyone loves the C-store. It is easy to access quick desk snacks or wholemeal replacements in some cases. But no one ever thinks about what is important to bring to the C-store. or how to bring things back from […]
Greg Hall wrote a new post on the site digitalproject1 3 years ago
I don’t know who remembers this, but before our time way back in the 1980s, there was something called the cola wars. Softdrinks and pop were all the rage back then and the market was fierce with Coca-cola […]
Greg Hall wrote a new post on the site digitalproject1 3 years ago
This past week I have found a new love and joy in my life and it came from the back aisle of the C-store. Ohio Homegrown popcorn is one of the popcorn brands that the C-store carries and it’s one of my go-to […]
Greg Hall wrote a new post on the site digitalproject1 3 years ago
I wanna go on record and say I truly pitty Lowry Food workers, they have my utmost sympathy because working in the food industry is or any sort of job where you have to deal with a large herd of people barking […]
Greg Hall commented on the post, Welcome, on the site digitalproject1 3 years ago
Hello, My name is Greg. I am from Cleveland Ohio where I like to make really dumb videos on youtube Under the same user name Dippity Deuce. I work as a door dash driver and at the gift shop at the rock and roll […]
Greg Hall became a registered member 3 years ago