Z Martin wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2019 5 years ago
In the first few paragraphs of the chapter “Great Blue Heron” in Refuge: An Unnatural History of Family and Place, Terry Tempest Williams analyzes her personal vision of a female heron, calling her “a bird who […]
Z Martin wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2019 5 years ago
Standing on the corner of Cadiz and S. Tonti, you can’t tell that anything is nearby besides pothole-perforated streets and shotgun houses. The live oaks and crepe myrtles lining the sidewalks obscure your ability […]
Z Martin wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2019 5 years ago
During our class visit to David Kline’s farm this past Monday, I was struck by the unusual relationship Kline had with his animals. Having relatives who had lived and worked on farms in the past, I had always been […]
Z Martin commented on the post, Wanted: Dead and Alive, on the site The Nature of Nature 2019 5 years ago
This is a fascinating expansion of our prompt about the now-you-see-it-now-you-don’t nature of nature; some natural phenomena are willing to wait for millions of years to be discovered, while others escape into […]
Z Martin wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2019 5 years ago
This past summer, my father and I took a trip to the southwestern U.S. to see some of the natural wonders of a landscape far more arid than our native New Orleans. My father and I share a love for the road less […]
Z Martin commented on the post, Black Squirrels, on the site The Nature of Nature 2019 5 years ago
Very interesting post! I appreciate the explanation of the genetic mutation that gave rise to these cute critters, as well as the source at the end!
Z Martin wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2019 5 years ago
While the grounds outside my dorm are teeming with unknown organisms, I managed to locate a little stranger in the bathroom just down the hall in the form of a small black moth-like insect clinging to the wall […]
Z Martin wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2019 5 years ago
I have been openly critical of Henry David Thoreau in the past. I have called him self-centered, egotistical, and judgmental, and I stand by these statements. However, I will admit that there were two sentences in […]
Z Martin wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2019 6 years ago
Walking through Johnson’s Woods, I close my eyes and listen, enraptured by the sound of crickets chirping in the trees and grasses around me. I think about what those chirps mean: calls of loneliness and anxiety, […]
Z Martin wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2019 6 years ago
As I pace brick paths long past midnight, it shocks me to think that life made do without leaves for over two and a half billion years. The leaves that rustle in the early autumn breeze over my head are ingenious […]
Z Martin became a registered member 6 years ago