Liz Stanis wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2019 5 years ago
Liz Stanis wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2019 5 years ago
I just wanted to share a link to a song that I like, that I relate to Thoreau and Walden. The song is about both nature and the complexities of society. I think of references from this song especially when reading […]
Liz Stanis wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2019 6 years ago
Our first postings involve the imaging of nature right here on campus, ranging from observations about the distortion of nature in campus imagery to examples of the natural world being preserved or emphasized in […]
Liz Stanis wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2017 7 years ago
Egrets are medium-sized, slender herons. They are covered in all white feathers, up until their long black legs, which run into their eye-catching yellow feet. At first glance, this bird seems plain, but once its […]
Liz Stanis wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2017 7 years ago
When home, I work at an ice skating rink in the city of Fishers, which is a city over from where I live. Fishers has changed drastically throughout my life and recently has been changing even more rapidly. When I […]
Liz Stanis commented on the post, Simple ingredients, on the site The Nature of Nature 2017 7 years ago
I like how you focused on one thing you could really connect to. It is also interesting how you connected the simplicity of mashed potatoes to Hemingway’s story. That was very creative!
Liz Stanis wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2017 7 years ago
A cold wind blows through the old oak barn. Before reaching this point it must have blown past the grazing Belgium draft horses and the pony hitched to a cart, tied up at the edge of the barn. It would have blown […]
Liz Stanis commented on the post, A Pond on my Clothing, on the site The Nature of Nature 2017 7 years ago
I really enjoyed reading this. The way it is written is very poetic. I like the comparisons being made between your life and Thoreau’s. Where you could have criticized or complemented Thoreau I think you took an […]
Liz Stanis wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2017 7 years ago
I have always viewed going out into nature as a way to escape. As an only child, I am not quite sure what I have always been trying to escape from, but into the woods, I continued to go. My first solo “hike” I rem […]
Liz Stanis wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2017 7 years ago
As we walk down the hill towards Brown’s Bog my eyes scan the landscape. I am looking at the trees rising above me, the flowers off in the distance, and the grass at my feet. A glace to the left and a beautiful […]
Liz Stanis commented on the post, Intruder, on the site The Nature of Nature 2017 7 years ago
I really love your description of the flowers and how the light interacted with them. I think the overall theme of your post is very interesting and I like the different examples you gave of feeling like you were […]
Liz Stanis wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2017 7 years ago
Upon arriving at Johnson’s Woods the past and present become apparent in one glance. The woods, which is made up of trees older than the nation, can be seen from the parking lot. From that same position, one can […]
Liz Stanis wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2017 8 years ago
Sitting amongst the red and orange hoodoos I have become motionless. The sheer sight of what I am seeing has grasped my attention fully. As I lay back into the dirt around me I see the universe. The stars are so […]
Liz Stanis became a registered member 8 years ago