Erin D wrote a new post on the site COW Latin America 5 years ago
Jamaica originally began as a military garrison under Cromwell’s Western Design in 1655, which brought English soldiers to the island.[1] Due to the harsh environment of the Caribbean, the island was, “a dis […]
Erin D wrote a new post on the site Modern Latin America 2020 5 years ago
Image Source: João Fellet, BBC Brazil.
This news story
explains the impact of COVID-19 on the indigenous communities in Brazil.
Doctors predict that COVID-19 has the potential to decimate these […] -
Erin D wrote a new post on the site Modern Latin America 2020 5 years ago
discussion question is: throughout the novel, how was the idea of “Americanism”
was expressed throughout Guevara’s journey. When traveling between places in Chile,
he said, “I say our […] -
Erin D wrote a new post on the site Modern Latin America 2020 5 years ago
My question is: what does Palomo represent and how is the treatment of Palomo representative of the Revolution?
Palomo is Demetrio’s dog in the beginning of the book. In Spanish, Palomo means pigeon or dove, […]
Erin D commented on the post, Narrowed Research Topic: The Figure of Hugo Chavez, on the site Modern Latin America 2020 5 years ago
It will be interesting to see how his life has impacted his leadership. Looking at the various facets of his identity. I think could also be cool to look at some of the most important figures in his life and […]
Erin D commented on the post, Narrowed Research: Chilean Feminist Protest 2019, on the site Modern Latin America 2020 5 years ago
This is such a cool topic. When I was in Edinburgh, I saw this song sung by a large group down the Royal Mile. Just goes to show how global things can become with social media. Since this is happening in the […]
Erin D commented on the post, Narrowed Research Focus: Chile's Protests, on the site Modern Latin America 2020 5 years ago
This is really interesting! It’ll be cool to see what kind of impact these mass mobilizations had and what it could mean for civil rights across the world as well as between various levels in society.
Erin D wrote a new post on the site Modern Latin America 2020 5 years ago
My project will look at the depiction of the various groups
in Jamaica during the nineteenth century. The question I will explore, and
answer is, how did the social structures of Jamaica exemplify the […] -
Erin D wrote a new post on the site Modern Latin America 2020 5 years ago
In class we discussed enslaved life in Cuba and Brazil. The Digital Public History: Slave Voyages site allows a deeper understanding of both larger trends in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade as well as micro trends […]
Erin D wrote a new post on the site Modern Latin America 2020 5 years ago
I’d like to look at the different classifications of people in Jamaica during the 19th century. As a colony of the British Empire, there were three main classifications of people: British, slaves, and […]
Erin D became a registered member 6 years ago