Jonathan Velazquez wrote a new post on the site MAKING OF THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD 5 years ago
After careful thought over the two sides of the immigration issue in the Obstruction of Injustice piece, I desired to call attention to a third, more sinister side to the immigration debate some years after this […]
Jonathan Velazquez wrote a new post on the site MAKING OF THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD 5 years ago
Both documents attempt to use certain religious and regional cultural histories as justification for the formation of their own religious states. On page 1, the Israeli declaration of independence states that the […]
Jonathan Velazquez wrote a new post on the site MAKING OF THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD 5 years ago
“Race-Making and Colonial Violence in the U.S. Empire” centers on the experiences of Filipinos after their revolution against Spanish colonial rule, and how the U.S.’s military intervention served to continue t […]
Jonathan Velazquez wrote a new post on the site MAKING OF THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD 5 years ago
An issue to be addressed is the continued implicit colonial shadow present upon much of Latin America during the 20th century, even after supposed decolonization had occurred. Colonial control of Latin America […]
Jonathan Velazquez wrote a new post on the site MAKING OF THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD 5 years ago
1. One thematic shape of postwar European history was the overall reduction of Europe’s land holdings beyond what were their usual state borders for much of European history. While individual European states w […]
Jonathan Velazquez wrote a new post on the site MAKING OF THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD 5 years ago
An important and controversial occurrence in Africa’s recent history is the racist nature of representations of Africa by foreign states, being mostly European. Racist portrayals of Africans—most often against Sub […]
Jonathan Velazquez wrote a new post on the site MAKING OF THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD 5 years ago
East Asia was deeply destabilized by the experience of empire, at least regarding the status quo of China and Japan both having been power players in the region around the late 19th century. As discussed in […]
Jonathan Velazquez wrote a new post on the site MAKING OF THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD 6 years ago
One potential shared experience occurring in the Philippines, Germany and India has to do with reactionary responses to imperial expansion, both internal and external. That is, large numbers of local residents […]
Jonathan Velazquez wrote a new post on the site MAKING OF THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD 6 years ago
When reading through some of the third- and first-person accounts around 1900 for this week, I noticed that there was a pervasive necessity among elites and thinkers of the time to push for industrialized […]
Jonathan Velazquez wrote a new post on the site MAKING OF THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD 6 years ago
What really intrigued me in particular was the idea of a redivision of impoverishment. That is, poverty becoming more concentrated in cities instead of the countryside. Having taken classes in urban studies […]
Jonathan Velazquez became a registered member 6 years ago