Giovanny Bravo wrote a new post on the site COW Latin America 5 years ago
By: Giovanny Bravo
In 1965, around the beginning of the Cuban Revolution, the Cuban government established the Unidades Militares de Ayuda a la Producción (UMAPs), which were labor camps […]
Giovanny Bravo wrote a new post on the site Modern Latin America 2020 5 years ago
My discussion question is: How did the architecture Che and Alberto saw in Cuzco reflect themes of indigenousness and oppression?
Throughout Che Guevara’s and Alberto’s travels in Cuzco, they observed sev […]
Giovanny Bravo wrote a new post on the site Modern Latin America 2020 5 years ago
There were two historical questions discussed in class today. The first question was: What can Mexican murals tell us about the vision of Mexican nationalism that emerges after the revolution? The second […]
Giovanny Bravo wrote a new post on the site Modern Latin America 2020 5 years ago
My discussion question is: What motivated Demetrio and his men to join the revolutionary cause?
Throughout the novel, Demetrio and his men offer several different reasons to explain their motivations behind […]
Giovanny Bravo commented on the post, Narrowed Research Focus: Chile's Protests, on the site Modern Latin America 2020 5 years ago
Very interesting topic! I’d love to hear more about what you find and it’s great that you have a good explanatory basis to emphasize the complexity and importance of this topic. Good luck with your research!
Giovanny Bravo commented on the post, Narrowed Research: Chilean Feminist Protest 2019, on the site Modern Latin America 2020 5 years ago
This is a really important topic! Your research focus is clear and has a valid basis for the development of more research. I might have some sources that could help as well so let me know if you need help!
Giovanny Bravo commented on the post, Narrowed Research Post: The Life of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, on the site Modern Latin America 2020 5 years ago
This is a very interesting topic! However, your research topic seeks to answer two separate questions and I’m wondering if that might complicate your approach toward completing your research. Also, the second […]
Giovanny Bravo wrote a new post on the site Modern Latin America 2020 5 years ago
My research question is: How did deep prejudice toward homosexuals in Cuba during the Revolution motivate the development of Cuban LGBTQ+ rights to the present? This topic is significant because research on this […]
Giovanny Bravo wrote a new post on the site Modern Latin America 2020 5 years ago
Since 2015, around 4.8 million Venezuelans have fled from their country to Colombia, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, and other areas in Latin America and the Carribean (Grattan). These migrants are facing widespread […]
Giovanny Bravo wrote a new post on the site Modern Latin America 2020 5 years ago
For my research project, I would like to explore: How did deep prejudice toward homosexuals in Cuba during the Revolution motivate the development of Cuban LGBTQ+ rights to the present? I am interested in […]
Giovanny Bravo wrote a new post on the site Latin American Revolutions 5 years ago
For me, it was very important to learn more about the Nicaraguan Revolution and the events that occurred within it, especially because my family is from Nicaragua and the Revolution is the reason why my family […]
Giovanny Bravo wrote a new post on the site Latin American Revolutions 5 years ago
On my talk page, one peer had reviewed my planned edits and approved of my ideas to separate the “Form” and “Thematic Content” Sections. Also, my peer approved of my idea to separate the “Origins” section and […]
Giovanny Bravo wrote a new post on the site Latin American Revolutions 5 years ago
How is this aspect of Latin American history represented?
The article represents arpilleras as a form of art used by women during the Chilean Revolution to earn income and promote political messages against […]
Giovanny Bravo wrote a new post on the site Latin American Revolutions 5 years ago
At the beginning of class, Dr. Holt asked the class if they had any questions related to the midterm. She also mentioned that she added the titles of the documents onto the exam, but she also said that students […]
Giovanny Bravo wrote a new post on the site Latin American Revolutions 5 years ago
The article I have chosen to evaluate is the article on Haydée Santamaría. Santamaría’s article is rated Start Class. There are currently no conversations occurring on the article’s talk page, but the articl […]
Giovanny Bravo wrote a new post on the site Latin American Revolutions 5 years ago
The article describes that on Friday, September 13, the Nicaraguan Human Rights Center documented 17 deaths of government opponents from the rural north of Nicaragua (Selser 2019). All of the victims participated […]
Giovanny Bravo became a registered member 6 years ago