Alvaro Guerrero wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
Looking through these primary sources, it reminded me of school children lined up or having lunch. It seems like they live a very structured life. They board a bus, go work, have lunch, work more and go home. The […]
Alvaro Guerrero wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
Teague, Aileen. 2019. “The United States, Mexico, and the Mutual Securitization of Drug Enforcement, 1969–1985.” Diplomatic History 43 (5): 785–812.
This academic journal is about the United States’ and Mexic […] -
Alvaro Guerrero wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
I picked the article “Mexican Drug War” to evaluate. Part of the article focuses on the history of Latin America regarding the Mexican drug war. Based on the nature of the topic, the history of it has been rig […]
Alvaro Guerrero wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
The question that I wish to research is the involvement the United States plays in the drug war. Furthermore, how has the United States approached the drug war and what have they done to combat it from the demand […]
Alvaro Guerrero wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
The primary source “The World Was My Garden” by McCook was about the impact that US imperialism had on botany research and the market for plants. THe author argues that because of American expansion is that […]
Alvaro Guerrero wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
The primary source that I chose to analyze was Colored Officers or No Colored Soldiers by Presley Holiday. Sargent Presley Holliday’s document was a response to Roosevelt’s attack on African American sol […]
Alvaro Guerrero wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
The Wikipedia Article takes a pretty neutral stand, besides the fact that through the article there is a huge amount of criticism of Mexico and their involvement in the drug trade with the United States (which is […]
Alvaro Guerrero wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
Through both primary sources we can see that the relationship between Latin America and the US has not been the best. There is a general understanding through Latin American countries that the United States is […]
Alvaro Guerrero wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
To summarize the main argument of this piece is that when we write about someone else’s work, we should make sure to give ourselves the space to state our argument at some point while accessing the other p […]
Alvaro Guerrero wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
This Monday, I took the day to attend as many talks as possible. I remember last year, I only attended to one and I absolutely loved it. These conversations deal with issues that I find extremely important and […]
Alvaro Guerrero wrote a new post on the site Latin American Revolutions 5 years ago
Latin America is composed of several countries. Each has its own, unique culture and traditions.
The United States was way more involved in Latin American affairs than I thought it was.
Revolutions in […] -
Alvaro Guerrero wrote a new post on the site Latin American Revolutions 5 years ago
Seven days of nationwide protests have weakened president Ivan Duque’s ability to pass tax and pension reforms. Tens of thousands of Colombians went on protested on the streets on an ongoing strike against Ivan D […]
Alvaro Guerrero wrote a new post on the site Latin American Revolutions Blog 5 years ago
Seven days of nationwide protests have weakened president Ivan Duque’s ability to pass tax and pension reforms. Tens of thousands of Colombians went on protested on the streets on an ongoing strike against Ivan D […]
Alvaro Guerrero wrote a new post on the site Latin American Revolutions 5 years ago
Today’s class began with professor Holt tellingustoday’s announcements. Among today’s announcements there was an announcement about registering for classes, the death of Walter Mercado and an announcement about […]
Alvaro Guerrero wrote a new post on the site Latin American Revolutions 5 years ago
This article on Corridos does a good job at explaining the history and the role they play in Mexico today. The article begins by defining corrido and explaining where and when they originated. This entire article […]
Alvaro Guerrero wrote a new post on the site Latin American Revolutions Blog 5 years ago
This article on Corridos does a good job at explaining the history and the role they play in Mexico today. The article begins by defining corrido and explaining where and when they originated. This entire article […]
Alvaro Guerrero became a registered member 6 years ago