Andrew commented on the post, Browns Bog- A Walk Through Wetness, on the site The Nature of Nature 2020 5 years ago
Hey Jeremiah,
I really liked your writing. the descriptive details you included exemplary. One detail I loved was when you described the soft ground saying you could push the tree over because the ground was so soft. -
Andrew wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2020 5 years ago
Back in middle school my mom and stepdad took me to a rather free spirited celebration of something I had never heard of. At the festival I got to hold an albino python courtesy of a humane society raising […]
Andrew commented on the post, Language, Visual and Imaginary, on the site The Nature of Nature 2020 5 years ago
Hey Nick! Yea i never thought about it that way. that can really be disorienting.
Andrew wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2020 5 years ago
The over lying theme of the Economy seems to be focused on how humans have a way changing the situations to better suit us but that is not necessarily a bad thing. for example he talks about him baking bread and […]
Andrew wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2020 5 years ago
Hey I realized I never posted my first blog due to technical difficulties so here it is now.
When I was in seventh grade my boy scout patrol was lucky enough to be able to go on a mountaineering trip down in […]
Andrew wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2020 5 years ago
In the village passage Thoreau talks about two points that seemed to be linked to greed, or loss of self. The first half of the section describes shop owners who use ruthless or cold tactics to tempt consumers or […]
Andrew became a registered member 5 years ago