Gregory Shaya wrote a new post on the site The Department of History 3 years ago
Come join the information session on Thursday if you’d like to learn more about this spring-summer course on documentary filmmaking & history in Buenos Aires.
Info Session: Thursday, October 21 at 11am in A […]
Gregory Shaya wrote a new post on the site Gregory Shaya 3 years ago
Test post!!!
Jon Breitenbucher and
Gregory Shaya are now friends 7 years ago
Gregory Shaya wrote a new post on the site History 301 – The World in 1900 7 years ago
This is the course website for History 301: The World in 1900! As you can see, it is still very much under construction. But stay tuned. We’ll be filling in details all semester.
We’ll also be using Moodle for […]
Gregory Shaya's profile was updated 8 years ago
Gregory Shaya changed their profile picture 8 years ago
Gregory Shaya wrote a new post on the site Western Civ Since 1600 14 years ago
Well, I know we still have one more presentation to watch, but I thought I’d offer a couple quick comments about the whole idea.
As professors, faculty members are often critical of the idea that we should be […]
Gregory Shaya wrote a new post on the site Western Civ Since 1600 14 years ago
It seems that everyday I open the paper there is some bit of news or commentary that calls to mind the history we’ve been studying. Here’s one from this past week.
You’ve all surely heard the news about the […]
Gregory Shaya wrote a new post on the site Western Civ Since 1600 14 years ago
Alright, well, it was officially over when the armistice was signed on November 11, 1918. That marked the end of hostilities. The peace treaties of 1919, such as the Versailles Treaty, promised an accounting of […]
Gregory Shaya wrote a new post on the site Western Civ Since 1600 14 years ago
The Battle of the Somme has become a symbol of the destructive power of the First World War. The offensive, begun on the first of July, 1916, was to be the Big Push that would end the war. Instead it was a […]
Gregory Shaya wrote a new post on the site Western Civ Since 1600 14 years ago
We’ve given some close attention to the “new imperialism” of the late nineteenth century, which is typically dated from the 1880s (the Berlin Conference of 1884 was an important turning point) down to the […]
Gregory Shaya wrote a new post on the site Western Civ Since 1600 14 years ago
There’s so much to say about the late nineteenth century I don’t know where to begin. Let me just lay out a few questions that we can talk about this week.
First, a look back at Friday: did my reading of […]
Gregory Shaya wrote a new post on the site Western Civ Since 1600 14 years ago
Walter Benjamin offered that “There is no document of civilization that is not at the very same time a document of barbarism.” Writing in 1940 and in Paris, where the German-Jewish writer had fled the Nazis, […]
Gregory Shaya wrote a new post on the site Western Civ Since 1600 14 years ago
This week we’ve begun to contemplate the upheaval in world history that has come to be known as the industrial revolution, the transformation from an agrarian, handicraft economy to an industrial economy that […]
Gregory Shaya wrote a new post on the site Western Civ Since 1600 14 years ago
The French Revolution is one of those world historical events that will be forever studied, forever argued over. Today I gave you just a glimpse of its meaning and complexity.
If you want to explore a bit […]
Gregory Shaya wrote a new post on the site Western Civ Since 1600 14 years ago
For a bit of extra credit, I invite you to watch this documentary film on Thursday night and offer a few comments to the class. The film, “Traces of the Trade: A Story from the Deep North,” will be shown on T […]
Gregory Shaya wrote a new post on the site Western Civ Since 1600 14 years ago
If you find yourself studying abroad in Tuscany in the near future, be sure to wander through the renovated (and newly named) Museo Galileo, the museum of science in Florence, Italy, where you can check out […]
Gregory Shaya wrote a new post on the site Western Civ Since 1600 15 years ago
I also wanted to share this clip from a film on Louis XIV by Roberto Rossellini, the great Italian director. In his youth, the monarchy was beset by challenges — from provincial nobles, from the urban law […]
Gregory Shaya wrote a new post on the site Western Civ Since 1600 15 years ago
The kinds of resources available on the web — some scholarly, some entertaining, some put together by academics, some by amateurs — is overwhelming. I’ll try to point out a few interesting sites as we go […]
Gregory Shaya wrote a new post on the site Western Civ Since 1600 15 years ago
You can’t understand the 16th c. and the Protestant Reformation without understanding a thing or two about John Calvin (1509-1564). Born in France, trained as a lawyer, rooted in European humanism, Calvin made a […]
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