Hao Tang wrote a new post on the site Freedom Dreams 7 years ago
The Summer That Changed Detroit
Starting with a black and white photo that captures a white police officer powerfully holding his gun and waiting to take an action, this article focuses on the 1967 unrest in […]
Hao Tang wrote a new post on the site Freedom Dreams 7 years ago
Recently, there are a lot of articles that talk about or relate to the case of Emmett Till, who was lynched and disfigured after being accused of flirting with a white woman. In the article, “Simeon Wright, W […]
Hao Tang wrote a new post on the site Freedom Dreams 7 years ago
Black Lives Matter Can’t Be Sued, Judge Tells Police Officer
This short article simply reports that a police officer brought a lawsuit against Black Lives Matter because of the injuries that the police s […]
Hao Tang wrote a new post on the site Freedom Dreams 7 years ago
When I was searching some articles for my final paper, an article in New York Times caught my attention. It discusses a series of photos by a contemporary civil rights photographer, Oliver Clasper. The photos in […]
Hao Tang wrote a new post on the site Freedom Dreams 7 years ago
I went to Dana Schutz’s exhibition at Cleveland Museum of Art in the late January and attended the interview of Dana Schutz by Nell Painter, who is a historian and a painter. The issue they specifically d […]
Hao Tang became a registered member 7 years ago