Jack Hyman wrote a new post on the site History 217 Modern Brazil 7 years ago
The first aspect of Brazilian society that I came to understand over the course of this semester was the country’s supplementation of concrete racial identities with more subtle social hierarchies, based on […]
Jack Hyman wrote a new post on the site History 217 Modern Brazil 7 years ago
This article, published in the Rio Times, discusses a recent incident in which the Santa Izabel Prison Complex, a Brazilian prison, was assaulted from the outside. The attackers, described only as “a heavily […]
Jack Hyman wrote a new post on the site History 217 Modern Brazil 7 years ago
“What psychological and philosophical devices does Macabea employ as a means of coping with her perpetual state of destitution?”
On several occasions during the story, Macabea is noted by the narrator to have […]
Jack Hyman commented on the post, Wikipedia Article: Church of Saint Francis of Assisi (Ouro Preto), on the site History 217 Modern Brazil 7 years ago
A description of this particular church’s role in the religious communities of Ouro Preto and Brazil, e.g. rough attendance estimates and historical events occurring at or near the location, would make a valuable […]
Jack Hyman commented on the post, Wikipedia Clean-Up: Letter of Pêro Vaz de Caminha, on the site History 217 Modern Brazil 7 years ago
It would be interesting if, in your edition of this page, you were to elaborate upon the reasons for why the letter is considered to be so accurate or credible by historians. One likely explanation might be that […]
Jack Hyman commented on the post, Wiki Cleanup – Liberal Rebellions of 1842, on the site History 217 Modern Brazil 7 years ago
This article is of particularly great interest to me, because the event it describes is an attempt at radical political change well before the abolition of slavery in Brazil – let alone the end of the Brazilian […]
Jack Hyman wrote a new post on the site History 217 Modern Brazil 7 years ago
For my second Wikipedia revision assignment, I plan to examine and make improvements to the article titled “Vaccine Revolt.” As one might assume from the title, this article concerns itself with a brief but […]
Jack Hyman wrote a new post on the site History 217 Modern Brazil 7 years ago
The introduction of Wikipedia’s article on the “indigenous peoples in Brazil” contains several interesting pieces of information – most starkly the scale by which the region’s indigenous population declined […]
Jack Hyman became a registered member 7 years ago