Jacob Bueter wrote a new post on the site Introduction to U.S. National Politics 6 years ago
For this writing assignment I decided to compare and contrast the online websites of candidates for the 2020 Democratic nomination for president John Delany and Beto O’Rourke. John Delaney was born in Wood-ridge N […]
Jacob Bueter commented on the post, White Bound: Nationalists, Antiracists, and the Shared Meanings of Race, on the site Freedom Dreams 7 years ago
Interesting that when posed with the question of which category he fell into Hughey danced around the question and ultimately deemed himself not a racist while suggesting that all other white people are. Also […]
Jacob Bueter commented on the post, Kanye West, on the site Freedom Dreams 7 years ago
Kanye’s comments regarding slavery are appalling and contradictory. The term slavery implies no choice, like Conar mentioned I don’t believe that people would have voluntarily signed up to be treated as less than […]
Jacob Bueter commented on the post, Police Brutality, on the site Freedom Dreams 7 years ago
Police violence is an on going problem in America, 399 people have been killed by police officers in 2018 alone. More than 20 percent of the people killed by police officers so far this year were African American, […]
Jacob Bueter became a registered member 7 years ago