Jonathan Davies wrote a new post on the site History 217 Modern Brazil 7 years ago
I learned a lot about the importance of race in Brazil and the different ways in which Brazilians view race. I thought that it was particularity interesting that race is often defined based on appearance and […]
Jonathan Davies wrote a new post on the site History 217 Modern Brazil 7 years ago
For my Brazil history and culture post I read an article about Jair Bolsonaro, a highly controversial right wing candidate in the Brazilian presidential election. The article begins by describing a Bolsonaro rally […]
Jonathan Davies wrote a new post on the site History 217 Modern Brazil 7 years ago
Does Muniz’s work exploit the pickers and if so, can it still have an overall positive impact?
Preliminary answer: I think that Muniz’s work is exploitative to some extent because his interaction with them […]
Jonathan Davies wrote a new post on the site History 217 Modern Brazil 7 years ago
My research project topic will be the history of politics in Brazil and how they have effected the lives of ordinary Brazilians. I think this is an important issue in light of the recent political turmoil in the […]
Jonathan Davies became a registered member 7 years ago