Joseph Kemp wrote a new post on the site MAKING OF THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD 5 years ago
The rapid expansion of an urban structure, suburb housing, and the movement of rural communities to larger towns has impacted the type of growth in many developed countries worldwide. This movement can be seen […]
Joseph Kemp wrote a new post on the site MAKING OF THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD 5 years ago
The migration of my family has been wildly different on my paternal and maternal sides. I’ll begin with my mother’s side as I know less about it. My great-grandparents on her side were from India, part of the […]
Joseph Kemp wrote a new post on the site MAKING OF THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD 5 years ago
Each document takes into account the strife caused by impeding European powers or otherwise removing the native people from the lands at which they identify with. They both require that they are […]
Joseph Kemp wrote a new post on the site MAKING OF THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD 5 years ago
The impossibility of an Indian state without racial, religious, and social discrimination has been nearly entirely caused by British meddling in Indian politics since the 1700s, stemming from the […]
Joseph Kemp wrote a new post on the site MAKING OF THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD 5 years ago
Throughout the article, the correspondent travels Africa to document the state of the countries that are seen as impoverished, war-torn nations that are impossible to reconcile into civilization. Statistics that […]
Joseph Kemp wrote a new post on the site MAKING OF THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD 6 years ago
The 1900s are the most notable years in history for modernization of less-developed countries. While this is true, the beginning of modernization in Japan started in their Kaei years, described as the period from […]
Joseph Kemp wrote a new post on the site MAKING OF THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD 6 years ago
Globalization is definitely a misused term in the modern world, where the trend in the last century has been countries having more effect over each other with every action taken between them. However, the Western […]
Joseph Kemp wrote a new post on the site MAKING OF THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD 6 years ago
Joseph Kemp became a registered member 6 years ago