Juwan Shabazz wrote a new post on the site The Movement for Black Women's Lives 6 years ago
According to several political strategists and activists, women of color are poised to be a particularly powerful voting group in the 2020 Democratic primary. Women of this group have proven to be loyal Democratic […]
Juwan Shabazz wrote a new post on the site The Movement for Black Women's Lives 6 years ago
Recently I read an article from The American Prospect titled “The Road to Ending Mass Incarceration Goes Through the DA’s Office.” Within the piece, the author discusses the current state of America’s prison […]
Juwan Shabazz wrote a new post on the site The Movement for Black Women's Lives 6 years ago
Recently I read an article from the Root titled “To be a Black American Muslim Woman Is to be Both an Insider and an Outsider”. In the piece, the author mainly discusses what it is like living as both a black wom […]
Juwan Shabazz wrote a new post on the site A Tribe of the Middle Passage 7 years ago
In a study released a few years ago on black mental health by the Rand Corp. A realization was made showing that black Californians were more likely to experience mental health problems than other ethnic groups […]
Juwan Shabazz wrote a new post on the site A Tribe of the Middle Passage 7 years ago
In the last 20 months, passengers who have flown with American Airlines have filled over 29 complaints rooted in racial discrimination. According to the U.S. department of Transportation, these startling number of […]
Juwan Shabazz wrote a new post on the site A Tribe of the Middle Passage 7 years ago
Implicit bias is the idea that people create certain judgements on a person’s character based off of their race, gender or physical appearance. It has been generally accepted that all people have implicit bias, […]
Juwan Shabazz wrote a new post on the site A Tribe of the Middle Passage 7 years ago
Student loans have always been seen as a burden for college graduates and are a constant reminder of the sacrifices that ones has to make in order to receive a higher education. However, despite this burden […]
Juwan Shabazz wrote a new post on the site A Tribe of the Middle Passage 7 years ago
When I was junior in high school, I was a participant in a national speech competition known as the “Drum Major for Justice Advocacy Competition.” The competition mainly focused on Dr. Martin Luther King jr’s […]
Juwan Shabazz became a registered member 7 years ago