Keira wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
I think the article I chose for this week nicely touches on our themes of encounters and identities in Latin America, as it deals with the migration of citizens from one Latin American country to two other Latin […]
Keira wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
The article I picked for this week is especially fitting as it touches on something Cesar mentioned in his presentation today; corruption in the Guatemalan government. While the author argues something a little […]
Keira wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
For this week, please read Maggie’s article and Kanishk’s article. These two articles talk about Venezuela’s economic crisis (if you would like background information to better understand the topic before we talk […]
Keira wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
My Wikipedia article is on the Common Alternative Revolutionary Force, the disarmed political party that is FARC. The notes I received on my proposed edits were to add more sections and background perhaps, as well […]
Keira wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
Previously in class we’ve talked about the lack of Latin American representation in media, and how the representation of Latin Americans that exists is often stereotypical and harmful (with most roles being maids […]
Keira wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
In the article I chose for this week, Mexico’s Indigenous Congress: Decolonizing Politics, the authors discuss The First Nations of Mexico’s attempt at a political campaign, and the response it has received. The […]
Keira commented on the post, Annotated Bib Rough Draft, on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
Maggie, you’re supposed to put this on moodle I don’t want you to be late!!
Keira commented on the post, Wikipedia post on African Immigration to Latin America, on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
This is a really fascinating topic, although I think you might want to narrow it to a specific country because it’s rather broad. Also I’m wondering how African immigrants are treated in Latin America, because […]
Keira commented on the post, Tackling Wikipedia Articles, on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
This is a really interesting topic, but it may be harder to find Wikipedia approved sources on non-official interactions with indigenous people, as in everyday people’s interactions. If I were you, I would try to […]
Keira commented on the post, Fashion Trends in Latin America, on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
Which proposals have the most potential to improve Wikipedia’s coverage of Latin American and Latin@ history? Which have the best combination of content gaps and reliable sources?
Clothing is often a really i […]
Keira commented on the post, Wikipedia Article Edits, on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
Hi Kyrsten! FARC stands for Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia, but in English when we refer to FARC we either just use the Spanish abbreviation or say Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia.
Keira wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
I would like to expand either the FARC page or the National Front (Colombia) because they’re related to violence in Colombia and had a large effect on each other, but it’s only briefly alluded to in both pages. […]
Keira wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
My first topic of interest is the formation and history of FARC, a guerrilla movement in Colombia, that just disarmed this year, becoming a legal political party. They have roots in rural poor areas, forming […]
Keira wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 8 years ago
Chapter 8 of A Land So Strange deals with the journey in Mexico and their experiences traveling with various indigenous groups. Reséndez highlights the importance of trade in this chapter, something I talked […]
Keira wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 8 years ago
In the two chapters that we read for today, Reséndez describes the castaways’ time enslaved by the natives. Throughout these two chapters we learn a lot about Native American society and culture, but also […]
Keira wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 8 years ago
The wikipedia article on the Narváez expedition was informative, although obviously less so than A Land So Strange. However, the talk page brought up some interesting points that I wouldn’t have considered […]
Keira wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 8 years ago
In They Say, I Say by Gerald Graff, he sets out templates for convincing and good writing. One of his tips was to unbiasedly summarize the points of the author you’re referencing but highlight parts of t […]
Keira wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 8 years ago
In his essay “Only Connect…” Cronon declares that the goal of a liberal education is to “celebrate and nurture human freedom.” He considers this a widely accepted fact; it’s not an argument. The issue, according […]
Keira wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 8 years ago
Hi, it’s Keira! The first time I came to Wooster I didn’t know anything about it, so I wasn’t expecting anything special. I was super wrong, because the second I stepped on campus, it felt like home. That feeling […]
Keira became a registered member 8 years ago