Kobe Matesic wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
These primary sources accompanied by the reading from Ngai have provided great and tragic insight into the lives/experiences of the Braceros. Starting with accounts from Juan Loza, in his interview he speaks on […]
Kobe Matesic commented on the post, Research Annotations, on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
Your annotations are very well written and provide some very insightful information on your articles. On top of this both annotations did a good job in peaking my interest in your topic.
Kobe Matesic commented on the post, Research annotations, on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
Both of your sources sound very helpful towards your research but also extremely interesting, I’m excited to see your project later on.
Kobe Matesic commented on the post, Research Annotations, on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
I thought your annotations were very thorough and provided a good synopsis of what the article provides and what you want from it.
Kobe Matesic wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
Kittleson, R. A. (2014). The country of football soccer and the making of modern Brazil. Berkeley: University of California Press.
The country of football: soccer and the making of modern Brazil examines the […]
Kobe Matesic wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
For my research topic I want to examine the economical significance of the growth of soccer in Latin American countries, specifically Brazil. I want examine how soccer came to be so culturally significant and […]
Kobe Matesic wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
McCook, Stuart. The World Was My Garden. 1935. […]
Kobe Matesic wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
The entirety of Bolivars letter reads and feels like a swift backhand to the United States and likens it to that of a viscous diseases destined to spread and plague others with its’s ideals. He as well on page 173 […]
Kobe Matesic wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
Both Pike’s Wild People in Wild Lands and Strong’s The Anglo Saxons and the World’s Future elaborate on the use of stereotypes throughout history and in works to demoralize people and things we don’t understa […]
Kobe Matesic wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
Due to football related reasons I wasn’t able to attend too many events. However, for the few events that I did get to attend I enjoyed them immensely. Not only because of the important topics and issues that they […]
Kobe Matesic wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
Wassup ya’ll,
My name is Kobe and I am a Junior majoring in Communication Studies, as well as a member of our fighting scots football team. The biggest thing I’m interested in learning about this semester is […]