Katie Wilbanks wrote a new post on the site A Tribe of the Middle Passage 7 years ago
I initially had no clue what I wanted to write about for this last blog post. However, upon some reflection, I realized that I wanted to bring some of this course’s concepts full circle.
Coming from a small […]
Katie Wilbanks wrote a new post on the site A Tribe of the Middle Passage 7 years ago
I initially wanted to write this blog post commending and analyzing the intensely vivid imagery apparent in Anne Moody’s memoir, Coming of Age in Mississippi. So, I Googled “artwork during the Civil Rights […]
Katie Wilbanks wrote a new post on the site A Tribe of the Middle Passage 7 years ago
As Dr. King touched upon very briefly in class this morning, the election of former president Barack Obama was a momentous stride in United States history. However, being eight to nine years old at the time, I […]
Katie Wilbanks wrote a new post on the site A Tribe of the Middle Passage 7 years ago
Over spring break I spent three days in Boston. One of those days was filled with window shopping up and down Newbury Street, on which there were two churches that had flags or posters which advocated for the […]
Katie Wilbanks wrote a new post on the site A Tribe of the Middle Passage 7 years ago
Alex Alpharaoh’s powerfully raw and vulnerable performance about his life and DACA experience taught me that people battling DACA struggle on a daily basis. DACA fighters must constantly watch their backs and w […]
Katie Wilbanks became a registered member 7 years ago