Katie F. commented on the post, Research Annotations, on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
Both annotations are very insightful and clearly state the topic, argument, sources, big picture, and usefulness. I like the connections you drew between the sport of soccer and race, it’s a very interesting topic.
Katie F. commented on the post, Research Annotations, on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
These are both well-written and provide some slight analysis of the authors’ writing, which is interesting. I’d like to see how you use the first one for your research, since it does not incorporate Latin America […]
Katie F. commented on the post, Research annotations, on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
These annotations are very well-written, and I especially like the specificity of your descriptions of the sources and evidence the authors use.
Katie F. wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
Johnson, Loch K. “Congressional Supervision of America’s Secret Agencies: The Experience and Legacy of the Church Committee.” Public Administration Review 64, no. 1 (2004): 3-14.
Author and political scientist […]
Katie F. wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
My Wikipedia article is titled “Church Committee,” and as the title suggests, it is a comprehensive overview of the creation of the Church Committee and its purposes. It does not dive deeply into the significance […]
Katie F. wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
For my research I will be analyzing the Church Committee and its dealings with the CIA. I want to look at the investigations that took place and examine the findings in relation to the influences the Cold War had […]
Katie F. wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
“Colonial Crucible: Empire in the Making of the Modern American State.” The SHAFR Guide Online, n.d., 499–507. https://doi.org/10.1163/2468-1733_shafr_sim050140269.
Stuart McCook, a professor of history at the […]
Katie F. wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
Roosevelt wrote this piece in 1899, recalling his resignation from his position as the assistant secretary of the navy and leadership within the First United States Volunteer Cavalry, or as they were […]
Katie F. wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
This source did a decent job, as far as Wikipedia articles go, of avoiding outright bias, citing well, and providing different perspectives to create a well-rounded informational text. Like most entries, however, […]
Katie F. wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
On the whole, I thought Rodo’s piece was condescending, and ridiculously so. Although he does spend a decent amount of time discussing some good things about North American achievements and culture, he does so […]
Katie F. wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
Pike’s Wild People in Wild Lands and Strong’s The Anglo-Saxon and the World’s Future both center around very opinionated claims of Anglo-Saxons and the named or unnamed other. In Pike’s case, stereotyping is his f […]
Katie F. wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
As I will be unable to attend the campus events going on this weekend and on MLK Day on Monday, I will be writing about the importance of the holiday and the types of celebrations that take place nationwide to […]
Katie F. wrote a new post on the site Latin America & the US 2020 5 years ago
Hi, guys!
I’m Katie, I’m a sophomore at the college, and I am planning to major in History and double minor in Anthropology and English. I am most excited about learning three major things over the course of […]
Katie F. became a registered member 5 years ago