Marcel Elkouri wrote a new post on the site The Politics of Language 7 years ago
This website is so wonderful, it’s a database on the majority of the known indigenous tribes in South America. It has these very detailed summaries about the entire history of many tribes, in English, Spanish, and […]
Marcel Elkouri wrote a new post on the site The Politics of Language 7 years ago
I was really intrigued about how African American Vernacular English is perceived in schools, as we learned from Chapters 1 and 2 of Articulate While Black. I did some research into the topic, and found a PBS […]
Marcel Elkouri wrote a new post on the site The Politics of Language 7 years ago
What are the two models of learning English and their implications?
There exists the Lingua Franca Model, created by Braj Kachru, and the World English Model, by Tom McArthur. Kachru’s model carries the i […]
Marcel Elkouri wrote a new post on the site History 217 Modern Brazil 7 years ago
I’ve been really grateful that I’ve been able to be a member of this course. I thought that moving so far from home would mean spending long periods of time without hearing my own languages being spoken in public, […]
Marcel Elkouri wrote a new post on the site History 217 Modern Brazil 7 years ago
In Portuguese, the film is known as Lixo Extraordinário, or Extraordinary Garbage. By creating an entirely different name for an English speaking audience, how is the film altering its portrayal of Braz […]
Marcel Elkouri wrote a new post on the site History 217 Modern Brazil 7 years ago
Though the spread of Zika has decreased significantly since its initial outbreak in 2015, many Brazilians are still struggling with supporting children born with disabilities due to the illness, especially in […]
Marcel Elkouri wrote a new post on the site History 217 Modern Brazil 7 years ago
In class on Thursday, April 12th, Jack presented to the class his research on Brazilian prisons. He explained how citizens residing in favella’s are unfairly targeted and imprisoned for minor crimes, o […]
Marcel Elkouri wrote a new post on the site The Politics of Language 7 years ago
This chapter by Lippi Green explores language discrimination targeting Spanish speaking communities in the United States. By introducing a summarized history of how terms such as “Hispanic” arose to define a […]
Marcel Elkouri wrote a new post on the site History 217 Modern Brazil 7 years ago
Question: What is the justification for both Macabéa’s acquaintances and the narrator to verbally abuse her?
A major theme of the novel are the physical and psychological effects on Macabéa placed on her from […]
Marcel Elkouri commented on the post, Research Project – Festa Junina, on the site History 217 Modern Brazil 7 years ago
I tried to find some sources that directly talked about colorism and the festival, but there’s very little research about it. It’s something I’d love to learn more about in the future, but for now I unfortunately […]
Marcel Elkouri commented on the post, Tongtong Wu Wikipedia potential article "Chinese Brazilians", on the site History 217 Modern Brazil 7 years ago
A lot of times when discussing Brazilian populations, people will tend to just focus on the Japanese presence. I really appreciate the fact that you’re shining a light on a group that isn’t brought up that often […]
Marcel Elkouri commented on the post, Wikipedia Article: Japanese cuisine in São Paulo, on the site History 217 Modern Brazil 7 years ago
A trend I’ve noticed in a lot of these posts is that articles on Brazil are really messy and disorganized. I agree that using other articles that cover similar topics can help you build a framework of how to fix […]
Marcel Elkouri commented on the post, Wiki Update: Racism in Brazil, on the site History 217 Modern Brazil 7 years ago
The history section on the page just sort of lists out an incredibly vague explanation of slavery. It doesn’t mention the intermixing of slaves and masters, the fact that Portugal imported the largest number of […]
Marcel Elkouri wrote a new post on the site History 217 Modern Brazil 7 years ago
To emphasize a crucial aspect of Brazilian society to the class, this research project will emphasize the importance of the Festa Junina, or June Festival in Brazil. On the surface, this is just another aspect of […]
Marcel Elkouri wrote a new post on the site History 217 Modern Brazil 7 years ago
Alongside the start of winter comes the end of the rainy season in most of Brazil. To commemorate this event, Brazilians partake in a tradition originating from Portugal known as the Festa Junina, or June […]
Marcel Elkouri wrote a new post on the site History 217 Modern Brazil 7 years ago
Wikipedia’s coverage of Afro-Brazilians offers an acceptable overview of the concept, though lacking in crucial details and plagued with American bias. In an attempt to stay neutral, the page relies heavily on f […]
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