Emma Cotter wrote a new post on the site Russia and the Cholera Epidemic of 1892 5 years ago
As we’re currently living through a pandemic, I thought that it might be interesting to look at how a different infectious disease played out over a century ago–and I was surprised to find many parallels. Cholera […]
Emma Cotter wrote a new post on the site Colonial Latin America 5 years ago
What techniques were used in the Haitian Constitution (1805) to ensure that slavery could not, and would not, be reinstated?
There are four major ways in which the Haitian Constitution codifies the eradication […]
Emma Cotter wrote a new post on the site Colonial Latin America 5 years ago
Class Summary:
The class discussion for 10/14 was focused on colonial institutions, and the differences between how the colonizers (particularly the Spanish), and the colonized indigenous peoples viewed […]
Emma Cotter commented on the post, Revised Research, on the site Colonial Latin America 5 years ago
I think that this is going to make a really interesting presentation! I think that it could be really cool to look into the differences between Catholic orders, and how they may/may not have approached teaching […]
Emma Cotter commented on the post, Research: Tenochtitlan as the center of commerce, on the site Colonial Latin America 5 years ago
I think that it could be really interesting for you to specifically look at different maps of Tenochitlan and Chiconaulta to see how they are positioned within the maps–whether they are the main focus of maps […]
Emma Cotter commented on the post, Updated Research Question, on the site Colonial Latin America 5 years ago
Hi Abby! I think that your topic looks really interesting, and I’m excited to learn more about it. I’m wondering if you’ve considered trying to find a specific Andean woman who lived in a convent to look into. I […]
Emma Cotter wrote a new post on the site Colonial Latin America 5 years ago
Since my last post, I have not changed my research question. It remains: “How did French and Spanish colonizers in Colonial Hispaniola create differing conceptions of race?” This question is significant bec […]
Emma Cotter wrote a new post on the site Colonial Latin America 6 years ago
One idea for a research question that I have is “How did French and Spanish colonizers in Colonial Hispaniola create differing conceptions of race?” I believe that this question is important to understanding […]
Emma Cotter wrote a new post on the site Colonial Latin America 6 years ago
One of the major areas of Colonial Latin American History that I am interested in, and would like to learn more about throughout this semester is race relations. For example, I’m interested in learning about the h […]
Emma Cotter became a registered member 7 years ago