Masani Francis wrote a new post on the site Español 201 6 years ago
Este podcast fue un resumen de nuestro semestre en la clase de español. hablamos de las cosas que nos gustaban y las cosas que pensamos que podrían mejorarse y teníamos tenemos un invitado especial para hablar de […]
Masani Francis wrote a new post on the site Español 201 6 years ago
Este podcast es sobre nuestras experiencias con cursos universitarios de español, así como nuestra transición de Español de escuela secundaria a clases de Español universitario. También discutiremos nuestr […]
Masani Francis wrote a new post on the site Introduction to U.S. National Politics 6 years ago
Among many Democratic candidates for the 2020 Presidential election, there are Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren. Kamala Harris is a Democratic member of the U.S. Senate from California. When she was elected i […]
Masani Francis commented on the post, State of the Union Address, on the site Introduction to U.S. National Politics 6 years ago
I enjoyed your essay. I appreciated the paragraph on Stacey Abrams, as I had not realized that she said Trump’s administration was failing on things he had proposals for in the SOTU Address. I do agree that this […]
Masani Francis wrote a new post on the site Introduction to U.S. National Politics 6 years ago
Foreign Policy
Domestic PolicyUS-China Trade
Border SecurityNATO Allies
Tax CutsCrisis in Venezuela
Cuts to RegulationEliminating ISIS
DeregulationAnti-Semitic […]
Masani Francis wrote a new post on the site Introduction to U.S. National Politics 6 years ago
My member of Congress is Matt Cartwright. He is the Democratic representative from Pennsylvania’s 8th Congressional District. He previously served as the representative for Pennsylvania’s 17th C […]
Masani Francis wrote a new post on the site Introduction to U.S. National Politics 6 years ago
In New York’s state legislature, the Democrats are in control. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, is the Governor of New York. The Speaker of the House and Senate Leader, both Democrats, are Carl Heastie and Andrea Ste […]