Miriam wrote a new post on the site Introduction to U.S. National Politics 6 years ago
Swimming in Blue
At this moment, there are twelve candidates vying for the favor of the democratic partyand the future nominee of the party. The focal point of their campaigns is to distinguish themselves […] -
Miriam commented on the post, Short Writing Assignment #3, on the site Introduction to U.S. National Politics 6 years ago
I really liked how you used the quote “If there is going to be peace and legislation, there cannot be war and investigation” because when I heard him say that it immediately stood out as the biggest rebuke of con […]
Miriam wrote a new post on the site Introduction to U.S. National Politics 6 years ago
The state of the union address primary purpose is to inform Congress and the American people the status of the country and the president’s goal for the upcoming legislative session. The address originally planned […]
Miriam wrote a new post on the site Introduction to U.S. National Politics 6 years ago
In my home state of Maryland, Jamie Raskin serves as my congressman in the U.S. House of Representatives. Rep. Raskin has represented the 8th congressional district since 2016 and had previously represented […]
Miriam wrote a new post on the site Introduction to U.S. National Politics 6 years ago
The current state of government of Virginia is divided as not one political party currently holds power in both legislative chambers and the governor’s office simultaneously. Currently, the governor’s office is […]
Miriam became a registered member 6 years ago