Nasua Labi wrote a new post on the site History 217 Modern Brazil 7 years ago
Even though Brazil has a predominantly black and colored population, Black features and culture are often looked down upon and stigmatized. In this article by Zoe Sullivan and Ana Terra Athayde, the current […]
Nasua Labi wrote a new post on the site History 217 Modern Brazil 7 years ago
For my Wikipedia Article Project, I decided to look at the article on the letter from Pêro Vaz de Caminha to the King of Portugal, Manuel I. This letter is of particular importance to Brazilian history and […]
Nasua Labi wrote a new post on the site History 217 Modern Brazil 7 years ago
Candomblé and other Afro-Brazilian Religion
I want to examine Candomblé, an Afro-Brazilian religion, based on gods and traditional religions that African slaves brought with them from Africa. I want to r […]
Nasua Labi wrote a new post on the site History 217 Modern Brazil 7 years ago
The Wikipedia on the Afro-Brazilian population in Brazil gave a fair and unbiased depiction of the history and current situation of black people and people of color in brazil. The author(s) manage to treat a very […]
Nasua Labi became a registered member 7 years ago