Nathan Fekady wrote a new post on the site Introduction to Digital Studies 2 weeks, 3 days ago
Digital DetoxI spent most of last week with my girlfriend and her family in AZ, and I noticed that I was rarely using my phone and was just enjoying […]
Nathan Fekady commented on the post, Karachi to Wooster- Kekobad Marker, on the site Introduction to Digital Studies 1 month, 3 weeks ago
One thing i like about this is that the transitions between locations look very professional, and make the viewing experience easy on the eyes. Being able to have a glimpse at your life in your home country was a […]
Nathan Fekady wrote a new post on the site Introduction to Digital Studies 1 month, 4 weeks ago
Nathan Fekady commented on the post, Beauty is Fake – Olivia Todd, on the site Introduction to Digital Studies 2 months, 3 weeks ago
I enjoy listening to podcasts like this bc having conversations like this are the only way one can help to dismantle these standards, not to mention how the background music helps to make it feel more safe or calming.
Nathan Fekady became a registered member 3 months, 3 weeks ago