Nick Wyckoff's profile was updated 5 years ago
Nick Wyckoff wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2020 5 years ago
While walking through the woods on our class trip to Brown’s Bog my attention was drawn to the size of the trees. More specifically the smallness of the greater majority of them. When walking through J […]
Nick Wyckoff commented on the post, Thoreau's Reflection on Rising with the Sun in "Economy", on the site The Nature of Nature 2020 5 years ago
When reading I too noticed this quote. I find it quite remarkable how Thoreau attunes himself to nature. This is a rare occasion where I can relate to Thoreau as over the summer this is often how my […]
Nick Wyckoff wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2020 5 years ago
Thorough all of Thoreau’s writing, he finds ways to elaborate on his thoughts to an exhaustive extent. This often leaves the reader with little to imagine or picture. In the chapter Economy, this trend c […]
Nick Wyckoff wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2020 5 years ago
While reading the chapters from Wednesday readings written by Henry David Thoreau, I was fascinated at the level of detail in which Thoreau describes his surroundings. In the chapter, The Bean Field, Thoreau […]
Nick Wyckoff commented on the post, Surprises from Johnson's Woods, on the site The Nature of Nature 2020 5 years ago
I would agree with you on your point of the boardwalk allowing for people of all types to access the preserve. I feel as though this shared accessibility for everyone is important for education of the general […]
Nick Wyckoff wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2020 5 years ago
While walking through the Johnson Woods it was impossible to miss the countless numbers of fallen trees. While most of these trees lay on the forest floor undisturbed decaying from decomposers, there were some […]
Nick Wyckoff became a registered member 5 years ago