Olivia Friedman wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2020 5 years ago
One observation that struck me at Brown’s Bog was seeing the beech tree with some of its leaves still clinging desperately onto the branches. On this dreary winter’s day, all of the other trees were completely […]
Olivia Friedman wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2020 5 years ago
One interesting passage that Thoreau discusses in “Economy” is the topic of fashion. He condemns the speed at which people in his society buy, wear, and discard new clothing, saying that they “don garment after […]
Olivia Friedman wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2020 5 years ago
When reading this chapter, I got a good sense of Thoreau’s attitude towards society. He said that he ventured into the village every one or two days, to “hear some of the gossip”. He writes about the village a […]
Olivia Friedman wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2020 5 years ago
I greatly enjoyed our trip to Johnson’s Woods. Even though the trees were bare and there was hardly any vegetation other than the dead leaves on the ground, I still got the sense that Johnson’s Woods was a pla […]
Olivia Friedman became a registered member 5 years ago