Perry Worthey wrote a new post on the site A Tribe of the Middle Passage 7 years ago
During the civil rights movement, women played major roles that I think are often overlooked by the accomplishments of men. Women like Anne Moody and Miriam Anderson contributed greatly to the movement. They led […]
Perry Worthey wrote a new post on the site A Tribe of the Middle Passage 7 years ago
While doing the final exam essay, I focused on Anne Moody’s “A Coming of Age in Mississippi” and how the tactics for black rights of SNCC differed from that of Martin Luther King’s. While researching I came across […]
Perry Worthey wrote a new post on the site A Tribe of the Middle Passage 7 years ago
After talking about the “Double V” campaign during World War 2, I was interested in learning a bit more. I found a few interesting facts and quotes that I never knew such as:
1. The Pittsburgh Courier went on t […] -
Perry Worthey wrote a new post on the site A Tribe of the Middle Passage 7 years ago
Last Thursday, Dr. Kathleen Cleaver, a prominent member of the Black Panther party, came to speak to students. However, another really powerful speaker came to McGaw Chapel to talk. A local Ohioan, Elaine R […]
Perry Worthey wrote a new post on the site A Tribe of the Middle Passage 7 years ago
Before joining this class, I’ve always learned history by repeating dates and naming a few important people and events so that I can regurgitate that information on a test. After reading Equiano’s ‘Interesting Nar […]
Perry Worthey became a registered member 7 years ago