Jon Breitenbucher wrote a new post on the site Course Template Three 13 years ago
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Jon Breitenbucher wrote a new post on the site Historic Preservation @ Wooster 14 years ago
As of about noon today, I’m no longer a student at The College of Wooster – I’m now a proud graduate. As such, this website, because it was a chronicle of my Senior Independent Study project, will no longer be […]
Jon Breitenbucher wrote a new post on the site Historic Preservation @ Wooster 14 years ago
First, I successfully presented my research last month at the annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, and again last Friday at The College of Wooster’s Senior Research Symposium. I presented my w […]
Jon Breitenbucher wrote a new post on the site Historic Preservation @ Wooster 14 years ago
For the rest of the week I will be attending the SAA annual conference in Sacramento, CA. I’m presenting a poster session on my website. Here is a copy of the poster for anyone who wants to see it here
Jon Breitenbucher wrote a new post on the site Historic Preservation @ Wooster 14 years ago
Check it out here!
Jon Breitenbucher wrote a new post on the site Historic Preservation @ Wooster 14 years ago
Right now I’m in the middle of cutting the videos for half of my website. The Kauke Hall and Frick Hall videos are coming along, albeit slowly. I’m still getting used to imovie, but I am learning more and more […]
Jon Breitenbucher wrote a new post on the site Historic Preservation @ Wooster 14 years ago
Well, its the final week of the fall semester. Let’s recap what has happened. Instead of going the more traditional route for my I.S., I decided I wanted to create a digital public history project. The purpose […]
Jon Breitenbucher wrote a new post on the site Historic Preservation @ Wooster 14 years ago
The College of Wooster recently received a grant from the McGregor Fund to create an undergraduate research center at the college. The two-year $250,000 dollar grant was awarded to the college to build upon one of […]
Jon Breitenbucher wrote a new post on the site Historic Preservation @ Wooster 14 years ago
So I am making a short presentation on my uses of digital Media in research and presentation at the McGregor Project kickoff meeting this afternoon. (for more on the project, check out the news release, here) […]
Jon Breitenbucher wrote a new post on the site Historic Preservation @ Wooster 14 years ago
So I have decided on using two main products/software to produce my multimodal compositions that are going to be part of my website. I have decided to use imovie to produce my videos of various faculty, staff, and […]
Jon Breitenbucher wrote a new post on the site Historic Preservation @ Wooster 14 years ago
While researching my next building for my project, Frick Hall, I am across this short Prezi by Gwen Short, one of the science librarians here at the College of Wooster.
Frick Hall Then and Now on […]
Jon Breitenbucher wrote a new post on the site Historic Preservation @ Wooster 14 years ago
I’ve completed the first draft of one of the four buildings I am studying – the Kauke Hall pages. They are uploaded on my website, but since the website hasn’t been officially launched yet, I have linked them to […]
Jon Breitenbucher wrote a new post on the site Historic Preservation @ Wooster 14 years ago
Earlier this week, the College of Wooster hosted Lawrence Biemiller, a senior writer with the Chronicle of Higher Education. Lawrence had just embarked on a November tour of college campuses (you can follow his […]
Jon Breitenbucher wrote a new post on the site Historic Preservation @ Wooster 14 years ago
The College of Wooster recently had a “beam signing” for Wooster students, faculty, staff, and trustees as part of the construction process for the new athletic facility on campus, known as the Scot Center (Click […]
Jon Breitenbucher wrote a new post on the site Historic Preservation @ Wooster 14 years ago
So November is here and the semester is coming to a close way to fast. Only five more weeks left. I don’t really have a chapter draft right now, but the good news is the website is up and running – and actually […]
Jon Breitenbucher wrote a new post on the site Historic Preservation @ Wooster 14 years ago
My advisers and I had a very productive meeting with the folks over at Instructional Technology about my project and where it’s headed. We hammered out a lot of details, such as what platform I was going to use to […]
Jon Breitenbucher wrote a new post on the site Historic Preservation @ Wooster 14 years ago
Going along with my prospectus that was due last week, I am still in the planning stages for most of my project. While I am reading, researching the several tours stops that I am going to create, I am also […]
Jon Breitenbucher wrote a new post on the site Historic Preservation @ Wooster 14 years ago
Although historic preservation is still largely defining itself as a field of study and as a profession, the debate that has ranged over several key issues has defined what historic preservation is today. All […]
Jon Breitenbucher wrote a new post on the site Historic Preservation @ Wooster 14 years ago
My prospectus which outlines my project is finished. I have attached it to this post for all who care to read.
JDinkelaker Senior IS Prospectus 10-4-10
Jon Breitenbucher wrote a new post on the site Historic Preservation @ Wooster 14 years ago
Check out Loyd Wollstadt’s photo set of Old Wooster on Flickr – there are some great photos of the campus, circa 1959-63, as well as homecoming traditions. I would love to get permission to use some of these for my project.
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