Sam Kuhn wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2017 7 years ago
The chapter entitled “Ravens” to me is slightly what I expected. Just as Edgar Allan Poe used his poem “The Raven” to talk about mysteriousness and supernaturality, so does Williams to portray the raven as a […]
Sam Kuhn wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2017 7 years ago
When we arrived on David Kline’s farm, I was a bit surprised at first. It seemed at first that there was not much to the farm, but that thought quickly left my head the minute we stepped into the barn. I realized […]
Sam Kuhn wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2017 7 years ago
Although Edward Abbey may not always depict the use of nature in ways that others would like, his honesty about the areas that he deems ‘not as natural as before’ intrigued me. In the beginning of Desert […]
Sam Kuhn wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2017 7 years ago
To boardwalk or not to boardwalk: that is the question. I see this quite controversial topic as one that comes with a “win or lose” type scenario. What is a bog? A bog is a wet muddy ground too soft to support a […]
Sam Kuhn commented on the post, Nature and the Unnatural, on the site The Nature of Nature 2017 7 years ago
I like the interaction you bring with multiple animals during your trip to Johnson’s woods, and it is interesting to think about your ideas of human interaction with the place. In my opinion, though, I think it […]
Sam Kuhn wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2017 8 years ago
During my trip to Johnson’s woods, I noticed one thing that for the most part remains constant throughout time. Besides winter, when the trees become bare and snow covers the ground, the sunshine that sneaks […]
Sam Kuhn wrote a new post on the site The Nature of Nature 2017 8 years ago
The natural spot of something so simple as my backyard has undergone significant changes throughout the past 11 years. A once green, forested space has turned into that of civilization and development when […]
Sam Kuhn became a registered member 8 years ago