Spencer wrote a new post on the site The Department of History 3 years ago
Owing largely to the pleasant weather, good food, competitive lawn games, and heartening turnout from both students and faculty, the History Department’s 2021 fall picnic was a great success! The picnic welcomed s […]
Spencer wrote a new post on the site Latin American Revolutions 5 years ago
My reviewers agreed that my plans to expand the history were good and that my sources are both reliable and much-needed by the page. One reviewer also mentioned that planning out the history of the group and […]
Spencer wrote a new post on the site Latin American Revolutions 5 years ago
Alpha 66 is poorly represented. It is sloppy and severely lacking in terms of relevant sources. Even the information presented is more speculation than fact.
Alpha 66 is overwhelmingly seen through the lens of […]
Spencer wrote a new post on the site Latin American Revolutions 5 years ago
Not everything in this article is relevant. There is a section titled: Alpha 66 and Lee Harvey Oswald. It is more akin to a conspiracy theory than anything else. It has only one source despite making sweeping […]
Spencer wrote a new post on the site Latin American Revolutions 5 years ago
Mexico’s police force is in shambles. The newly-created National Guard is unable to fill its ranks with new recruits and has force the Mexican government to pull more than 58,000 officers from other security f […]
Spencer wrote a new post on the site Latin American Revolutions 6 years ago
August 30, 2019
Today’s class began with Tabitha’s LA in the News presentation. Her topic was the recent announcement made by members of FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia or Revolutionary Armed […]
Spencer became a registered member 6 years ago