Tanaka wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
This article in City Lab examines the explosion in the growth of Malls and their construction in the last decade. The writer begins by stating how 25 percent of the roughly 1,100 shopping malls still […]
Tanaka wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
Learning points
The feedback I received on my wikipedia talk page was extremely helpful. My evaluators made recommendations that I make my intended changes and plans clear from the onset. Initially, I had gone […] -
Tanaka wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
Rivera-Rideau’s central argument in this chapter is that- reggaeton was a vehicle for the evolution of culture, behaviours, and the identity of Latin American artists and the portrayal of Latin American culture i […]
Tanaka wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
Trump Lies as Global Warming’s Victims Die
Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan write describing the impact Climate change is having on the world discussing the responsibility that lies with politicians and go […] -
Tanaka wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
This article examines the importance of education in Latin America in eliminating social inequality and injustice. It is immediately fascinating that a publication coined, “The Economist” examines the issue of […]
Tanaka commented on the post, Possible Wikipedia Topic, on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
I agree with Jonah! I think it is extremely important to examine the importance of innovation in disaster situations in Latin America. Doing so examines how the people of Latin America solve problems with […]
Tanaka commented on the post, Wikipedia Article Topic, on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
Awesome analysis! I do share your view that in analyzing a film, it is important to consider its intended audience. Your article suggests to me that films are made for the viewers, not for the actors. It seems […]
Tanaka wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
In light of the media coverage and news around Latin American immigration to the United States, and the treatment these immigrants have and continue to receive upon arrival in the United States, I decided to flip […]
Tanaka wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
The article: The Ways and Means of Activist Art, from Latin America to LA examines the different ways in which art has been used by the people of Latin America in activism. While the writer does no […]
Tanaka wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
The History of gods in Latin America and their impact on the Spanish colonial machine.
I have possible interests in conducting research on the topic of the evolution of religion in Latin America. I would […]
Tanaka wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 8 years ago
The Guardian, by Naomi Larson Tuesday 7 February 2017 11.06 EST Last modified on Tuesday 27 June 2017 08.41 EDT
Naomi Larson examines the issues that will be most important on the Latin American […]
Tanaka wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 8 years ago
Andre Resendes in “Following the Corn Trail,” describes Cabeza de Vaca, Castillo, Dorantes, and Estebenico’s journey across the continent and their interactions with the many native peoples they meet. The focus of […]
Tanaka wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 8 years ago
A Land So Strange: The Epic Journey of Cabeza de Vaca, by Andres Resendez. tells the story of a mission set out from Spain to colonize Florida. The expedition went ominously wrong: Shipwrecked by a hurricane, kn […]
Tanaka wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 8 years ago
The Wiki is structured such as to allow the reader to easily trace the story of Alva Nunez Cabeza de Vaca and after gaining and understanding of the synopsis of his life, to gain an appreciation of his h […]
Tanaka wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 8 years ago
Cathy Birkenstein and Gerald Graff, authors of They Say/ I say, propose that there most people who argue fall to 2 extremes: those who summarise too much- that they fail to give their own opinion about in a d […]
Tanaka wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 8 years ago
They say the liberal arts were developed to grant people freedom to allow them to grow. William Cron disagrees, saying the liberal arts were developed to enable people to gain freedom as individuals, and to […]
Tanaka changed their profile picture 8 years ago
Tanaka wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 8 years ago
My name is Tanaka and I think art is the most beautiful thing there is. I think creation is the most beautiful act we are capable of performing, and everything we do is in an attempt to express ourselves […]
Tanaka changed their profile picture 8 years ago
Tanaka became a registered member 8 years ago