tbo22 wrote a new post on the site Dr. Fashionella 7 years ago
Being the eighth and final post of this ever riveting fashion blog, I decided I would surprise my avid readers and NOT wear the typical sweats or jeans. Instead, I decided to go with an outfit between the […]
tbo22 wrote a new post on the site Dr. Fashionella 7 years ago
On Friday, April 27th, I wore this outfit during my poster presentation of IS Symposium. Unfortunately, my assigned presentation time was from 9-11, so putting on khakis, a button down, and a tie at 8:30 was […]
tbo22 wrote a new post on the site Dr. Fashionella 7 years ago
If the sight of “Bowden- Post #5” made you gasp, I am sure this post made you faint. Not only am I once again wearing khakis, a button down, and tie, but this time I have added the aspect of a blazer as well, […]
tbo22 wrote a new post on the site Dr. Fashionella 7 years ago
Cue the gasps and astonishments, because the Bowden Blog now has a picture of something other than jeans or sweats!! On Friday, April 20th, I had my IS Oral Defense in Wishart with Dr. Johnson and Dr. […]
tbo22 wrote a new post on the site Dr. Fashionella 7 years ago
For Tuesday, April 17th, Wooster had another one of its wonderful “spring days,” which also included another fun snow flurry for the majority of the day. That being said, I only had two classes today and it […]
tbo22 wrote a new post on the site Dr. Fashionella 7 years ago
On Sunday, April 15th, I went to church at New Hope Church, which is about 5 minutes from school out towards the Dominos on Blachelyville Road. As is the case for most of these beautiful “spring days” we seem […]
tbo22 wrote a new post on the site Dr. Fashionella 7 years ago
Unlike the outfit I wore in my previous blog post, Monday saw my attire revert back to the style that most people are used to seeing me wear, sweats and some sort of informal jacket/pullover. Due to not having […]
tbo22 wrote a new post on the site Dr. Fashionella 7 years ago
On Sunday, April 8th, I attended the College of Wooster versus Kenyon softball game, which led to me wearing real clothes instead of sweats. Unfortunately, it was not a warm day at all, as it was 42° and the […]
tbo22 became a registered member 7 years ago