Tom Tuten wrote a new post on the site MAKING OF THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD 5 years ago
My family’s migration story partially fits well into the narrative of the 20th century and partially does not. For my father’s side, as pf 1492 the Totten family was living as farmers in the village of Wedmore in […]
Tom Tuten wrote a new post on the site MAKING OF THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD 5 years ago
The two declarations are similar in some respects in regards to their structure: both open with a historical argument that their “people” have a historical claim to the land of Israel; that it is both […]
Tom Tuten wrote a new post on the site MAKING OF THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD 5 years ago
According to the reading, The US-Philippine War was deeply influenced by racial science ideas of the time, which viewed the world as a competition between various races or “subspecies” of humans and by the general […]
Tom Tuten wrote a new post on the site MAKING OF THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD 5 years ago
Of the various regions we have selectively studied in class, I have found Latin America the most depressing. It could be that I knew the least about it as a region when we began the class, but nevertheless Latin […]
Tom Tuten wrote a new post on the site MAKING OF THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD 5 years ago
Judt states on page seven, “as a substitute for the defunct ambitions of Europe’s ideological past, there emerged… the European model.” This describes the modern European state, in which Liberal dDemocracy […]
Tom Tuten wrote a new post on the site MAKING OF THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD 5 years ago
One of the central pieces of reading for this week was the Economist article “A Hopeful Continent,” which attempted to offer a different view of Africa than is typically depicted in Western Media – which is to […]
Tom Tuten wrote a new post on the site MAKING OF THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD 6 years ago
The series of lectures we had this week emphasized the degree to which the pattern of industrialization and globalization played out in similar ways across the world. Jaffa, the Rhineland, and Bombay all grew […]
Tom Tuten wrote a new post on the site MAKING OF THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD 6 years ago
For countries in Latin America, Africa, and Asia that were threatened by the expansion of European Imperial powers, how they could protect their self determination and territorial integrity as peoples became an […]
Tom Tuten wrote a new post on the site MAKING OF THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD 6 years ago
The idea raised by the authors that globalization is not a quantified thing that increases or decreases, but more or less a static condition that was established in the second half of the 19th century is […]
Tom Tuten became a registered member 6 years ago