Ty wrote a new post on the site Religion in Black Film and Literature (Fall 2020) 4 years ago
I think a great fictional book in this class would be Linden Hills by Gloria Naylor. The religious undertones within the text, illustrated by Naylor’s reference to Dante’s Inferno, the satanic unde […]
Ty wrote a new post on the site Religion in Black Film and Literature (Fall 2020) 4 years ago
The Tale of Two Cities critical article argues that “Baldwin juxtaposes two cities, the earthly and the heavenly, and together they help to focus the novels various themes: father and son, individual and c […]
Ty commented on the post, LGBTQ Tolerance vs Affirmation in Spaces, on the site Religion in Black Film and Literature (Fall 2020) 4 years ago
I really enjoyed this post, especially your analyzation of Delly and Dr. Jaxon! I previously didn’t know about the LGBTQ+ perspective of the Ruth and Naomi story and really enjoyed looking at the link you posted. […]
Ty commented on the post, Not the Question, on the site Religion in Black Film and Literature (Fall 2020) 4 years ago
I also agree with your point that focuses on the lack productivity stemming from analyzing Delly. I agree that we should instead look at the father and focus on the homophobia and toxic masculinity that rules the […]
Ty wrote a new post on the site Religion in Black Film and Literature (Fall 2020) 4 years ago
After Reading the Kelly Brown Douglas’ article, I believe that her main argument is that the viciousness of black homophobia can largely be attributed to white cultures sexual perception of black people and w […]
Ty wrote a new post on the site Religion in Black Film and Literature (Fall 2020) 4 years ago
After attending the Poetry Reading by Aaron Coleman, I was intrigued by a multitude of things and greatly moved by his readings of his poetry. Prior to hearing him read them, it was slightly difficult for me to […]
Ty wrote a new post on the site Religion in Black Film and Literature (Fall 2020) 4 years ago
In both films, we see a binary within black masculinity: religious and secular. Religious characters, though respected by the community, are judged by the more radical black men because of their tie to the white […]
Ty commented on the post, Giving credit where it is due, on the site Religion in Black Film and Literature (Fall 2020) 4 years ago
I agree with you both, I feel like Eliza articulated well how this take could come off as inconsiderate to the pain of the families. Agreeing with what Patrick says, I think that when we look deeper into Chris […]
Ty commented on the post, Narrative versus Interview Endings, on the site Religion in Black Film and Literature (Fall 2020) 4 years ago
Hi Cole, I agree with you in that the end of Four Little Girls is jarring because of the shift from the heavy details to pictures. I remember feeling empty, sad and unsatisfied. And while you could say that the […]
Ty wrote a new post on the site Religion in Black Film and Literature (Fall 2020) 4 years ago
I think that the ending of Boycott is more helpful to our understanding of the movement because it shows how the fight against injustice is continuous. In the end we see MLK faced with the question of joining his […]
Ty commented on the post, Phone Calls and Prayer in Warriors Don't Cry, on the site Religion in Black Film and Literature (Fall 2020) 4 years ago
While I hadn’t previously thought of them this way, I think that your reframing of phone calls makes sense here, especially because Melba seems to always request things from God. Her diary entries often lacked the […]
Ty commented on the post, Black, White, and Read All Over, on the site Religion in Black Film and Literature (Fall 2020) 4 years ago
I love this post. I agree with you that while I am unsure about the newspaper being a character-like figure in this book; it does play a huge role in weaving Melba’s perception with that of the general public. It […]
Ty wrote a new post on the site Religion in Black Film and Literature (Fall 2020) 4 years ago
The topic of focusing on faith being in conflict with Black Peoples Need for social progress stands out to me throughout this piece. Pattillo shows the consistent passiveness of the older generations by having […]
Ty wrote a new post on the site Religion in Black Film and Literature (Fall 2020) 4 years ago
While watching the Brittney Cooper’s Ted Talk about time I was intrigued by the usage of the terms “world makers” and “space takers”. It reminded me of the article I read stating how Julie Dash challenge […]
Ty wrote a new post on the site Religion in Black Film and Literature (Fall 2020) 5 years ago
The Article, “Worm Against the World”, highlights the importance of literature and language within Hurston’s novel, Jonah’s Gourd Vine. While I previously paid attention to symbolism and metaphors as they relate […]
Ty commented on the post, Celebrity Preachers, on the site Religion in Black Film and Literature (Fall 2020) 5 years ago
Hi Rekik, I agree that the fame that preachers get from technology can go to their heads and distract from the initial message. I too find it interesting how that concept was conveyed in the film even without the […]
Ty commented on the post, Hallelujah for Dr. Lerone Martin, on the site Religion in Black Film and Literature (Fall 2020) 5 years ago
Hi Abby, I did not know about the West African tradition you referenced in your post and find it very intriguing and cool that it was incorporated in the movie. I also think about the profit that comes with […]
Ty wrote a new post on the site Religion in Black Film and Literature (Fall 2020) 5 years ago
JH Howard enlightened me on the important role music played during the film by it being a catalyst for transformation for characters and audiences alike. Howard illustrates through this article that music has […]
Ty became a registered member 5 years ago