Will wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
Article link: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-41926222
This article titled ‘A way of healing’: Art and memory in Latin America describes the tragedies resulting from war and political unrest in […]
Will wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
On October 20th, Nicaragua signed to join the Paris climate treaty, taking effect on November 22nd. Previously, Nicaraguan government officials didn’t believe the climate talks would have a true impact on […]
Will wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
I will take Fish’s advice to include a history about Cobra Mansa’s history that gives insight on his influencers. Although the article includes the names of those who have influenced Mestre Cobra, the article is […]
Will wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
In Petra R. Rivera-Rideau’s article, Enter the Hurbans, the background of Reggaeton and its rise in US culture are discussed. In the article, Rivera-Rideau makes the clear distinction between the Reggaeton that i […]
Will wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
In this article from The Diplomat, author Dawisson Belém Lopes opens up by giving historical examples of countries using a method called pendulum diplomacy. This form of diplomacy involves a third party country […]
Will commented on the post, Wikipedia Article Edits, on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
You included some sources that have impactful, concrete information. The information comes from first the hand experience of those involved in the war, increasing the urgency to include this in the Wikipedia […]
Will commented on the post, Fashion Trends in Latin America, on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
I think Brazil’s fashion industry is often overlooked for its international influence on the fashion industry. I would mention how LGBTQ organizations have impacted Brazil’s definition of fashion. I liked how you […]
Will commented on the post, Baseball in the Dominican Republic, on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
In your blog post, you point out a major flaw within the Wikipedia page that has a drastic impact on the the US beyond the baseball field. You have multiple great sources, however Forbes may not fit Wikipedia’s […]
Will wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 7 years ago
Link to article: http://riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/rio-politics/military-police-enter-rios-rocinha-community-after-gangs-clash/
In this Rio Times article, the author, Lise Alves addresses a recent a […]
Will wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 8 years ago
As danças do mundo têm muitas variações. Algumas são bem devagarzinho e íntimo, quando outras são rapido e sem intimidade. No caso de capoeira, os dançarinos movem rapidamente, e ataca ao outro (sem tocando […]
Will wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 8 years ago
In the New York Times article In Latin America, Pence Aims to Soften ‘America First’ Message, the author, Ernesto Londono, outlines a recent trip by Vice President Mike Pence to several countries in Latin Ame […]
Will wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 8 years ago
In chapter 8 of A Land So Strange, Andres Resendez narrates the journey of Cabeza de Vaca and his companions across vast landscapes, in which Cabeza de Vaca is frequently left in awe. Each sight is a new […]
Will wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 8 years ago
At the very beginning of chapter 6, Résendez describes Cabeza de Vaca’s failed attempt to escape and island inhabited by Indians. Cabeza de Vaca and his men are caught off guard by the large waves of this re […]
Will wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 8 years ago
Wikipedia’s article about Estevanico, while informative, it does not include any information about the subject during the voyage, prior to being separated from the rest of the crew. In addition, the article is r […]
Will wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 8 years ago
In the introduction of A Land So Strange, the author reflects on the ideas of Cabeza de Vaca that it was possible for European colonists to peacefully colonize the new world, yet most lacked such insight of […]
Will wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 8 years ago
My name is Will and I am a first year from Granville, Ohio. Unlike most of my fellow students, I took a gap year between high school. This period in my influenced me to deeply consider my ambitions as well as my […]
Will wrote a new post on the site Encounters and Identities in Latin America 8 years ago
In the article, “Only Connect…”, the author, William Cronon, discusses how the modern day liberal arts education has been skewed from its direct interpretation of liberty or human freedom. Essent […]
Will became a registered member 8 years ago