We have finally figured out what was causing uploaded avatars to not display. It turns out that some code (rewrite rules for the technically inclined) were not entered into the correct file on the server. Now that these rules have been added, it appears that people’s custom avatars and blog avatars are being displayed. I noticed an issue when trying to upload a PNG with a transparent background, but I am not sure if my PNG file was corrupt or if there is an issue with the image manipulation software on the server.
Also, three new plugins were added today. We added FlickrPress, Lightbox 2, and Lightbox Plus. FlickrPress allows you to include your Flickr photos in the sidebar (or other widget area) of your blog. Lightbox 2 allows your photos to be displayed as an overlay for the current page. Lightbox Plus adds some overlay gallery and slideshow capabilities for displaying your images. If you encounter any difficulties please let us know.