5 years ago-
Burim posted an update 5 years ago
Today for Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.’s Day, I attended a Justice Dialogue called “Urban Youth Mission: A Light in the City”. In this session, everybody pretended to be a part of this mission trip of exploring the Chicago area for the next seven days! We noticed how bad the socio-economic class had been in some areas of Illinois because of…[Read more]
Burim posted an update 5 years ago
I’m in a big, spacious room, with ceilings so high, my own poor arms could never be able to reach. The floor was checkered black and white, like a blank chessboard. I notice two ladies running the counter up front; one looking slightly older than the other. I walk up to pay for my ticket, and inserted my card into the machine. The younger-looking…[Read more]
Burim changed their profile picture 5 years ago
Burim became a registered member 5 years ago